Nebula - Guardian Armorer

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Buttons · 147

I always design my decks with multiplayer in mind, as I always play two-handed. But this is the most synergy I've ever had between two decks. This was paired with this Star-Lord deck, and Nebula's main goal was to make Star-Lord's allies even stronger.

Focus on alter-ego: Nebula has a really powerful alter-ego ability, and you'll often want to get as much use out of your Techniques before they fire off, so flipping every turn is really useful for Nebula. This means making an ally-focussed deck an excellent idea since you often don't need to be in hero form to play them or their buffs. (Note that Nebula is only a Guardian in hero form, meaning her alter-ego can't play Drax, Groot, or Rocket). All of our allies have the Guardian trait, and while we won't be giving them energy spears often (most of those are going to Star-Lord), they do help with some of the alliance cards used in Nebula and Star-Lord's decks. Crew Quarters is excellent if you plan on flipping a lot, meaning you never need to activate in order to heal, Avengers Mansion and Helicarrier keep Nebula's economy going.

Suiting up your friend's allies: Boot Camp and Energy Spear are the main players here, we want to keep buffing up attacks, and we almost always want to play them on Star-Lord's allies first. He has a lot of tech to improve his allies' health, so he'll get the most use out of them. We also have As One!, a very situational card that gets a ton of use here. All of Star-Lord's allies are Avengers AND Guardians, and you can use As One! on someone else's allies to use their high attack without getting consequential damage.

This is a support deck for dealing out a ton of damage with allies between two players. Alter-Ego does mean a lot of scheming will go on the main threat, but thankfully Star-Lord will have no problem keeping that down.

I used this deck to beat the Rise of the Red Skull campaign and Kang on expert, paired with Star-Lord Leadership.


Sep 12, 2022 dr00 · 43590

very cool deck. i really love when an aggression player can use Energy Spear on the voltron Iron Man. do you think giving star-lord an extra Guardians of the Galaxy would be worth it?