Ant-Man - Avengers Captain

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Buttons · 159

The main goal of this deck is to use Mass Attack with some buffed up heroes and Ant-Man's generous attack value to demolish the villain.

This deck uses some cheap chump-blocking allies like Kaluu, Hawkeye, Squirrel Girl, and Stinger, as well as some more buffed up allies like Iron Man, Captain America, and Ronin to help deal with problems and be your main pieces to combo with Mass Attack. Iron Man and Ronin come paired with Inspired to maximize their stats. I considered swapping them out with Giant-Man and Power Man, but I wanted some more consistent thwart removal.

Mighty Avengers is crucial to making this deck work, Team-Building Exercise helps pay for almost every card in this deck, both allies and aspect cards, and Avengers Tower helps pay while giving you an extra ally slot.

Playing this deck is fairly simple, your first run through the deck will be focusing on getting out all your support cards, Ant-Man's Helmet, cheaper allies, and one or two bigger allies to get your board ready and deal with problems. By the time you get set up, you'll be able to swing in with a few 15-25 damage turns to demolish the villain!

I beat the Sinister Motives campaign on expert with this, pairing this deck with Vision Justice. Vision took care of most of the thwarting while Ant-Man focused on attacking. I suspect this deck would do just fine solo though, Ant-Man almost never needs to go into alter-ego, so staying on top of thwart shouldn't be too hard.