Not Just a Cameo

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Leadership Cap Marvel 1 0 0 0 1.0
Captain marvel 0 0 0 1.0

dr00 · 43773

punch dinosaurs

Hey MarvelCDB. Do you like drawing cards? I love drawing cards. Do you like Captain Marvel? I love Captain Marvel. Here's a Captain Marvel deck that draws lots of cards.

Just Keep Drawing

Kaluu, White Tiger, Photonic Blast, Strength In Numbers, Alpha Flight Station, and even both sides of your identity draw you a ton of cards. Clarity of Purpose helps turn on Rechannel and can effectively work as 'exhaust to draw a card (if you have any damage)'. I cannot overstate how absolutely powerful that is.

What do you do with those cards (I definitely hear you asking)? Well, I'm glad you asked. In this deck, just so many things.

Build a Massive Army

With Stinger, Avengers Tower, and The Triskelion, you can have up to six allies in play at a time. This deck only includes six allies, but you can find them very quickly thanks to all of the card-drawing you're doing, and Make the Call helps return them to the board if they've left play. Note: Call for Aid is an alternative here as it works better with Ant-Man and White Tiger.

Punch Evil in the Face

And of course, the best thing you can do with a massive army: draw more cards with Strength In Numbers! But don't forget about Avengers Assemble!, Mighty Avengers, and Team Training, which can build for fairly consistent and satisfying combo turns. You could also instead elect to punch evil in the face with Photonic Blast or Energy Channel.

Don't Forget the Classics

This deck is just very efficient, consistent, and stable. Although it doesn't actually do everything (very little status interaction, you don't want to chump block too often, no removal or canceling effects), it has answers for practically everything the encounter deck could throw at you. Need to remove an attachment? Band Together usually has three . Lots of minions this round? Lots of side schemes? Both? Mighty Avengers and Team Training ensure that your allies aren't just batteries for more card draw, but active at progressing your board state and clearing the villain's, even without big combo turns with Avengers Assemble!. And with over half of the deck having resources, along with the wilds from Band Together and Quincarrier, you can build consistent bombs with Energy Channel and always have a dump for your extra resources.

You can likely draw into the answers you need when you need them. It is an absolute monster in solo but can help anchor a group in multiplayer, so long as other players don't try to use your allies as chump fodder so much, but thankfully you can open yourself up to other ally targets by shopping around in other player's discards. Captain Marvel is still around to show everyone that Core Set heroes can still compete with the top decks. Newer cards like Mighty Avengers and Clarity of Purpose can breathe new life into the old guard.


Oct 03, 2022 dr00 · 43773

also it seems that based on a new ruling, you can trigger clarity of purposeyou draw with rechannel, even when at full health

Oct 12, 2022 KakitaJamie · 327

I went to design a different deck. Initially trying to use Beast to take advantage of the 3 value resources. However I quickly cut the Beast plan as I started to add the synergies of a full Avenger deck. Went decklist hunting and found you had made basically the same deck. I went with was more beefy allies (Captain America, Black Panther, Goliath) over Make the Call. Additionally I used The Power of Leadership over Quincarrier and 2nd Clarity of Purpose. Honestly I think your version is better being low to the ground with Ally costs.

Oct 13, 2022 dr00 · 43773

@KakitaJamie hey, thanks for your comment. yeah, i think a big expensive ally deck sounds really fun here. Beast in particular looks just so insanely strong, especially with Rapid Response and Band Together and here with Energy Absorption. it would likely open things up for other non-avenger allies like Nick Fury, Professor X, and Maria Hill for lots of value. i think at the very least, both versions sound really fun, so i'll definitely give it a try!

Oct 27, 2022 Remo · 4

Hi @dr00, thanks for your different contributions on this site. I am a fan of what I call the leadership engine you firstly defined with Black Panther and which has been adapted by BrianV on She-Hulk. I really like the way of playing these kind of decks and find them very fun.

I tried it on all the Avenger heroes to test it and find my best character to play this engine. To my opinion Captain Marvel is the most adapted with She Hulk in a second position. Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver as well as Wasp and Ant-Man are fine also. Doctor Stange is of course efficient but i believe he can be with all kind of engine. Spider Woman is fun too, but the rest of the Avengers seems less adapted to this engine.

Back to Captain Marvel, I agree with @KakitaJamie, adding stronger allies like Captain America seemed to work even better for me.

I just have a question for you two. What is the advantage of using Clarity of Purpose, I don't really get it. I personnally preferred Rapid Response as I found it even better than Make the Call which turns out to be expensive to me.

Thanks for your insights.

Oct 30, 2022 KakitaJamie · 327

@Remo Clarity of Purpose synergizes with her Hero ability Rechannel. Clarity of Purpose damage and a resource. Rechannel heals that damage, spends the resource and draws you a card.

I can't speak to dr00's reasoning but I can state why I agree with his decisions. Make the Call is better with a low Ally count because you might end up using them early game as resources rather than recovering them. Rapid Response works better when you have numerous allies with enters play abilities. This deck only has 2 allies that trigger off of Rapid Response. Most of the allies are cost 3 or less so the Strength In Numbers engine can get started earlier. Given the costs are 3 or less Rapid Response isn't much cheaper on average and costs a HP. On low cost allies most have low HP, so that 1 damage from Rapid Response is rough if you aren't getting an impactful enter play ability or getting the ally for cheaper.

Nov 07, 2022 Remo · 4

@KakitaJamie thanks for your answer. I didn't get the Clarity of Purpose/Rechannel combo, i had more Quincarrier in my head for that combo but indeed it should work fine.

Regarding Make the Call, I suppose it is directly related to my way of playing (I am a beginner!). The way I play leadership engine decks starts by having allies on the board as quickly as possible to be able to launch the engine with Strength In Numbers asap and accelerate building my board. For that reason i prefer to play small alies from the beginning. But you are right, Make the Call makes sense on small allies if you missed them from your first hands.

For Rapid Response it turns out that I am not a clever player enougth to think about rentability for using it. Again depending on my way of playing, i have allies on the board asap, use them to thwart while I stay in alter ego form and they are exhausted pretty soon. Rapid Response is then used to use one of my allies on the board just one more time, gain the enter play ability and being able to use it once again on the same phase if possible or use it for another Strength In Numbers. In addition add Team Training for the same reasons. Anyway, thanks again for sharing your points of view, it will certainly influence my way of playing in a near futur. ;-)

Nov 25, 2022 dr00 · 43773

hey all, i haven't been getting notifications and missed these, but i'll try my best to respond now

@Remo yes, as @KakitaJamie said, Clarity of Purpose of mainly for Captain Marvel herself to turn it into direct card draw. based on a recent ruling, you can even do it without any damage on your hero, since you can initiate abilities even if you don't have the ability to pay their costs, so you can initiate rechannel, then use clarity of purpose to generate an while also dealing 1 damage, which then allows you to heal that 1 damage and finally: draw a card.

as for Make the Call vs Rapid Response, i think there is certainly room for both, and it's mostly down to personal preference, but one big change is that RR gets a lot more value when you start adding in higher-cost allies like Captain America, so i can definitely see why that's working better for you. for the way i play this deck, i mostly use my allies for their played/enter play effects, use them to attack/thwart until they're down to 1 HP, and then keep them on the board to fuel the draw engine. sometimes i might need to block with one, and Make the Call is easy for in that regard to get someone back quickly, but i can also just use an ally on its last activation, defeat it with consequential damage, and play another ally from my hand, then later Make the Call someone back in when i need to. with Rapid Response in that particular scenario, it doesn't really help as much. in general, i do really like 1 RR 2 MtC, simply because RR is limit one in play, so if you draw extra copies before you use them, they're not as helpful. one final note, about the allies i have in my deck, White Tiger doesn't trigger with either MtC or RR, but Ant-Man only triggers with MtC and not RR. i like playing him earlier for cheaper and them later in the game for more when i have the extra resources

@KakitaJamie yep, i see you replied already. all good points, and i think i mostly said what you did :D

@Remo yeah, i think personal playstyle really changes what cards are valuable in your decks. just because you're a beginner doesn't mean the way you play is wrong at all, so i'm glad you asked these questions and are able to feel validated for your experiences. i also really love that combo with RR to get a lot of quick returns on your investment when playing your ally, that's a really good one :D

Team Training is indeed a great card. i also love it with Ant-Man because you can play him for 0 and just use him as a battery lol

anyway, thanks for the questions Remo and thanks for the help KakitaJamie. i'm glad y'all are having success with the deck. it's probably one of the strongest decks imo

Nov 27, 2022 Remo · 4

Hi @KakitaJamie and @dr00, thanks again for your answers, it is nice to read other way of playing for me to progress.

Here comes the beginner again. In fact I never used Rapid Response on Ant-Man!! I thought it was not possible to call him and pay at the same time for pym counters. Does the Interrupt preval on the Hero Response?

Order of actions, reactions, interrupts, state cards boosts and so on is a little bit tricky sometimes to understand and apply correctly.

Nov 28, 2022 dr00 · 43773

@Remo you are correct if you use Rapid Response on Ant-Man, you would not be able to pay for him to have extra hit points, so he would be defeated immediately unless you had Team Training out

Dec 15, 2022 Smoothjedi · 1

I think just adding Captain) America is a pretty strong play. When you have five or six cheap allies out, he also becomes a very cheap ally that has a lot of value, at least when played from hand anyway.

May 26, 2023 dr00 · 43773

@Smoothjedi yeah, it's a very good option. i personally didn't use it because i like to have the stronger setup, but it definitely feels so great to drop him down and then use Strength in Numbers to draw with him right away so he doesn't lose his tough. Clarity of Purpose is super broken, but maybe i can go down to 1 copy lol :P