She-Hulk of the Spider-Verse

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

journeyman2 · 23845

This is part of "Journeyman's Guide to the Multi-Verse Series," a descendant of Spider-Verse Swarm. A general outline can be found at this post.

She-Hulk has powerful 1-ofs, in Gamma Slam or Split Personality. We are using our event tutoring on these.

Clarity of Purpose and Focused Rage get us to within Gamma Slam range. Spider-Man readies either. Symbiote Suit is necessary to hit max Gamma Slam damage, while improving the value of One-Two Punch.

Deft Focus discounts Gamma Slam and Superhuman Strength.

Make the Call and The Power Ofs are the best recursion option in our 4-card hand, giving us something to spend extra resources on if we draw too many Legal Practice or Ground Stomp.