Sorcerer of the Spider-Verse

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

journeyman2 · 24686

This is part of "Journeyman's Guide to the Multi-Verse Series," a descendant of Spider-Verse Swarm. A general outline can be found at this post.

It only takes 4 resources and 5 exhausts to cast every Invocation in a single turn. We are using two Earth's Mightiest Heroes and Spider-Man to ready Cloak of Levitation, giving us 5 exhausts. A 7-card hero hand, with plenty of draw and Winds of Watoomb gives us more than enough resources to do so.

Gamora, Ghost-Spider, and Kaluu search for Master of the Mystic Arts. Ghost-Spider can also chump and search for Protective Ward.

Cosmo and Wong cycle the invocation deck. Either one are targets for Honorary Avenger + Sky Cycle, depending on who we see first. Spider-Man can then ready Sky Cycle for up to three Invocation deck cycles per turn, four if both Cosmo and Wong are out.

Black Panther grabs Summoning Spell to help put Gamora and Ghost-Spider into play.

With the amount of Invocation cycling, readying, and tutoring for Master of the Mystic Arts, it isn’t difficult to use Winds of Watoomb every turn.

Of course we have a 7-card hero hand with The Sorcerer Supreme and Symbiote Suit.


Jul 28, 2022 carlo · 1

You can't use Gamora in this deck

Jul 29, 2022 Average 3-4 Multiplayer · 21

@carlo actually, Make the Call bypass that GUARDIAN condition. So, with this method, you can 'play' her.

Jul 29, 2022 journeyman2 · 24686

Hi @carlo,

“Put into play” is its own mechanic in Marvel Champions. As @SUl3Z3RO said, Make the Call bypasses play restrictions, though it does this not by “playing” the card, but by “putting it into play.”

Put into Play: “ Some abilities cause cards to be put into play. This bypasses the need to pay the card’s cost as well as any restrictions or prohibitions regarding playing that card”

Check out the linked post for more details