Not Another Leadership Deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Moby · 4839

It's not just another leadership deck! No Regroup abuse, just good old fashioned web warriors and Rapid Response. Okay.... so it just another leadership deck.

This deck uses the powerful web-warrior tribe to smooth over Sp//Dr's rough early game, using allies and card draw to mitigate her pitiful handsize of 3, and explodes in the lategame with All Systems Go! and a chain of powerful allies - especially her signature ally, VEN#m, who you can keep on the board at 5/5 stats with Make the Call.

Card Draw

She really wants card draw. 3 handsize is rough, even when you have an abundance of resources with all her interfaces in play.

  • Avengers Mansion and Symbiote Suit (if you choose to include it): These are strong for her, and not that difficult to get into play with The Power in All of Us, especially mid-game with all her interfaces out and more resources than she can spend.
  • Make the Call: Pseudo card draw, basically adding any ally in your discard pile to your hand. Autn May & Uncle Ben help fill up the discard pile with allies - most importantly VEN#m, who is strongest once you have all four interfaces to maximize his stats.
  • Assess the Situation: Good in the first few turns when you are scrambling to get interfaces on the board. Also good late game, as it gives you more cards to play with your abundance of resources.
  • Web of Life and Destiny: Free to play, draws cards off half your allies, and combos with Rapid Response.

Allies, Recursion, and ETB Effects

  • Rapid Response can keep critical allies on the board, and repeat ETB (enter the board/battlefied) effects - the most important of which are Nick Fury and Maria Hill for their card draw. But it is also great on Spider-Man for more readies, Ghost-Spider to grab another All Systems Go!, or Spider-Man Hobie to gamble for big damage.

  • Make the Call negates her puny handsize, in a way. As mentioned above, Make the Call basically adds every ally in your discard pile into your hand for the turn because her interfaces let you pay without having to spend cards in your hand as resources.

There are a few allies who do not synergize with Rapid Response and Make the Call: Ironheart, Baby Spider-Man, and VEN#m (though Ven#m can be played with Make the Call). Regroup would work better with these allies, but with a handsize of 3 it will be difficult to line up consistent Regroup plays.

Sideboard & Other Considerations

  • Strength In Numbers: While she really wants card draw, a handsize of 3 means she is not going to often have several allies out at once and it will be hard to draw multiple cards off it; most of her allies want to use their activations as well. But you could swap it in
  • Unshakable (easy include if you don't mind going over 40)
  • Clarity of Purpose: Again, easy to include if you don't mind going over 40. She has health to spare, but doesn't really need the resources after she is set up.
  • Regroup: A busted card for sure, but is awkward with a handsize of 3.
  • Symbiote Suit: Not particularly difficult to pay for with Power in All of Us, or once she has some upgrades out. But it can be risky against really nasty villains like Venom Goblin, and can be swapped out for one of the above cards.

Jul 15, 2022 Undaunted · 19

no spiderham ally or scarlet spider? they are web warriors

Jul 15, 2022 journeyman2 · 23932

@Undaunted Spider-Ham is a bit risky because there’s a good chance to discard him right away! Scarlet Spider is comparable to Avengers Mansion with extra steps, I think this deck has some slightly better options. Check out Moby’s build and let us know what you think w/ or w/o those two allies!

Jul 15, 2022 Moby · 4839

@Undaunted Like @journeyman2 said! While this deck has an emphasis on web-warriors, because of Web of Life and Destiny, I don't really think either of those would work (or if they are good, at all).

Although I did just learn that Scarlet Spider interacts with One Way or Another, from this deck by @mikepelf: , which is pretty cool!

Jul 18, 2022 AeroHudson · 1

Love this deck so far! Made a few minor changes but it works like a charm! Thank you!