Guardians Assemble!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Guardians with a side of Magic 0 0 0 1.0

Logan[CTG] · 6

This deck was built specifically for the Loki round of the Solo Champions League (which is why there's a Shawarma in there).

It's basically a Guardians tempo deck with lots of little emergent combos.

You can go Voltron on Bug or Yondu but your best target in this scenario is Cosmo who can take the Enraged but discard from the Infinity Gauntlet deck to avoid all consequential damage.

Additionally, your protection allies can buy you many turns of runway, especially if timed correctly (be sure and get full value from Martyr any time minions show up).

You can even start of us Adam himself once he gains the ability to reach, ditching a card to buff his stats, draw 2 cards (late in the game), and punch or thwart for a total of 4.

Typically to the nature of building a Warlock deck, this doesn't do 1 thing specifically, but rather a lot of little things that efficiently manage the game over a longer series of rounds until your board presence and ally swarm are untouchable.