Adam Warlock - King Cosmo

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

NelsonAllOver · 5034

Cosmo can be cheesed. If you ever find yourself playing a scenario where there is a specific deck and you know what the cards are you can break the game with his ability (like Red Skull, Infinity Gauntlet, etc) you can always trigger his ability. Even if you are not playing one of those scenarios, Warlock can do a decent job of keeping him alive with Battle Mage!

Stack everything you have onto Cosmo. Boot Camp, Energy Spear, Enraged, Inspired, Laser Blaster, Comms Implant, and Sidearm have him swinging for 3 thwart and 8 attack with Overkill, Range, Piercing. Command Team readies him. Throw a Reinforced Suit on him and heal with Med Team/Battle Mage and Cosmo will be your best friend!

If you are playing a scenario where you have a specific deck you can abuse, swap Reinforced Suit for Make the Call and Med Team for Energy Barrier or Starhawk!



Feb 18, 2022 JWalton77 · 1302

I was trying to think if it would be worth getting Guardians of the Galaxy in there but the only thing that could really come out would be Command Team and you definitely want that in there. So the only other option would be to put 3 other cards in as well and that’s also not good. Oh well lol

Feb 18, 2022 JWalton77 · 1302

Forgot to also say: the deck looks great!