Venomous God-Slayer! (Aggression Stun/Confuse-Lock)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Pistol Whip 0 0 0 1.0
Venomous God-Slayer! (Aggression Stun/Confuse-Lock) 0 0 0 1.0

[Tom] · 426


Let's slay a god!

Ok, this deck is pretty straight forward: Venom equips more weapons than he can hold and then finishs of the villain. And again. And again.

This ran true solo through Galaxy's Most Wanted, including Ronan, and had only one problem (we'll talk about that later). I've also played undefeated against expert Rhino, Klaw and Ultron. Also, Risky Business, Mutagen Formula and The Hood proved on expert no problem... ;-)

But the most important thing: it is fun!

Venom is a great hero! His hero set is unbelievable versatile! Multi-Gun allows to keep threat or minions under control, or get rid of Tough. Venom's Pistols are good when attacking, thwarting or even defending! His set has events for dealing damage or thwarting, but the very best card is still Grasping Tendrils! Canceling the attack, then Stunning - so basically canceling the next two attacks - and all this for only 2 resources! And since Venom is allowed to generate a every phase, you only pay 1 for this effect! Also, his hero ability allows you to have always the right resources at hand!

Stunningly Beautiful!

Key for the success are the 8 Stun/Confuse cards. In truth there are 10: Grasping Tendrils effectively stuns twice! It is essential do doom the villain to do nothing, so the important thing is to play Drop Kick, Behind Enemy Lines, Grasping Tendrils and Mockingbird. It is rather easy to get the required resources for the cards, since you have your hero ability, Helicarrier and enough in your deck to do this reliably. Bonus: Since the villain initiates an attack against Venom, before you punish him with Grasping Tendrils, you can trigger Spider-Sense to draw a card! Even better, I had situations in which I drew Grasping Tendrils with Spider-Sense - Awesome!

Preparation is the key!

This gives you enough room to set up Venom properly: Multi-Gun and Venom's Pistols are important. Depending on the amount of (small) minions, you can decide to either play Godslayer to finish the villain, or Jarnbjorn to keep the minions under control.

With Combat Training, Endurance and Helicarrier he has some basic supports/upgrades.

Fusillade is great to get rid of bigger minions or let deal a pistol 5 instead of 1 damage.


Blade is almost an auto include. Since I play a good amount of and resource cards, I can attack almost every turn. Also, he is dirt cheap. Spider-Man is very flexible the turn he comes into play. I can use him to get rid of a side scheme or of a minion - or simply to deal damage to the villain. Rocket Raccoon and Drax are both in here for two reasons: they are cheap for what they do (12 Dmg to the Villain from Drax; Rocket kills 4-HP-Minions and still damages the Villain) and they add / resources. Mockingbird supports the stun/confuse-theme. Period.


Drop Kick is just awesome, I cannot stress that enough. This deck has more than enough matching resources, and also Venom himself provides for this a wild. Since Venom is constantly hurting himself, often twice per round, First Aid is often very neccessary! Fusillade is a strong card - normally for exhausting Jarnbjorn, but even an exhausted pistol is sometimes all it needs to finish the villain. Now, Press the Advantage. Yes, I could play cheaper cards for 2 Damage, but this card has two reasons: First it is very probable that the Villain ist either stunned or confused, so I will get to draw a card and move through the deck faster. Second, it is an independent attack, so I can remove Tough with it, or kill a Minion - cards like Mean Swing or Skilled Strike are only adding to a basic attack. Press the Advantage works, when I'm exhausted and it works independent - often very good!

Support & Upgrade

Helicarrier. Well. Play cards cheaper. Physical resource. Bought! Combat Training and Endurance are auto includes, as well as Side Holster in a restricted/weapon-heavy-deck. While I can only equip one of them, Jarnbjorn or Godslayer, it sometimes depends simply on the situation. While I prefer Godslayer, in a minion heavy game, Jarnbjorn is the better choice. But even if I go for Godslayer, Jarnbjorn provides with a resource. Also, one additional weapon means, that I will potentially stop earlier when throwing half of my deck away during setup, searching for a weapon...


I wrote I lost one scenario in Galaxy's Most Wanted. That was Infiltrate The Museum. And the reason was, of course, Shadow of the Past - bringing 4 minions into play was a big problem, and I almost managed it - almost. But still - this is a very rare situation and normally it is no big deal to deal with them, using the Multi-Gun.


Feb 23, 2022 Master_GM · 572

Excellent write up. I will give this deck a try!

Feb 23, 2022 Saan · 3605

Hah, I also had an Infiltrate the Museum Venom playthrough that similarly tanked because of drawing Shadow of the Past on turn 2. Getting 5 things into play that would go to the Collection as soon as they are dealt with was too much to bear.

Jul 29, 2022 Rocketman176 · 1

How did you take Ronan down? I can't get built up fast enough or take down the threat for the campaign that gives an extra encounter card?

Aug 28, 2022 Cromencio · 1

Muy bueno! 25 de daño en un turno con mesa y planes limpios. Casi todo el daño sufrido fue por el mismo veneno y su habilidad xD. Hice un par de cambios pero la base es la misma. Es el mazo de agresividad con más control que he probado. ME ENCANTA!