Scarlet Witch - Money for Nothing and your Allies for Free.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
OP Mystics Scarlet Witch Leadership Big Guys 0 0 0 1.0

calderc23 · 82

Deck Concept: As the title implies this deck is built around the idea of building high cost allies for nothing or close to it. Summoning Spell, Chaos Magic, and Rapid Response do just that. Additionally, I am a Cheap Bastard so I had a LOT of fun playing 4 or 5 cost cards for 2 or less.

Turn 1 - you want to hard mill and use Superpowered Siblings and Spiritual Meditation to get as many as your upgrades out as possible. In particular, you are looking for The Sorcerer Supreme, Quincarrier, Helicarrier, Chaos Magic, Double Resources, Avengers Mansion, Scarlet Witch's Crest, and Agatha Harkness in that order. Mill everything else.

Allies - After you get out your resource generation cards and your upgrades just use your allies to the best of their abilities. Summoning Spell is there to get your high cost allies out and Rapid Response is there to keep them out after they die. When playing Summoning Spell make sure to count the allies in your discard pile to make sure there is one left in your deck for the spell to work on. (You have 5 of them total.)

The Wanda cards should still be your priority however, so you will rarely pay the full cost of the allies. I did really like how this deck still has good targets for Chaos Magic even after you have built some of your upgrades. When paying for your cards out of your hand your first priority is still Molecular Decay, Rapid Response (if you don't have any out), and Hex Bolt.

Design Decisions

I originally did this deck as a Voltron style deck with a bunch of ally upgrades like Inspired, Power Gloves, Laser Blaster, and Reinforced Suit for placing on Yondu and Giant-Man. That deck does work but it can be punished if the cards come out in the wrong order. It has a higher "ceiling" than this deck but a lower "floor". By dropping those cards it also allowed me to include Inspiring Presence and United We Stand which will help keep those high cost allies out longer so they can do more damage. If you want to see what the "Voltron" deck looks like I built one using Doctor Strange here.

Note if playing Solo I would sub out Captain America for Heimdall as his ability is MUCH better in solo play vs multiplayer.


Oct 19, 2021 MacGhille · 250

I like the concept of this deck, leaning heavily on allies. In my play, my allies are typically cheap and their main purpose is to chump-block for me so that I can get something done on my turn. Any damage or threat removal is just a bonus. But I really like what you've done here, and Summoning Spell synergizes well with Chaos magic.

I am going to build a deck with this concept (and credit you) but I gotta step away from Scarlet Witch because churning through the encounter deck always makes me nervous. The +1 tokens really ruin my day, and I think a Leadership deck would badly need a Justice-based hero as backup.

I believe I will try it with Black Widow, since I found her to be very reactive in play, so a ton of allies would keep her constantly in motion. Or maybe run this with Hawkeye and have Natasha be the Justice backup. Hmmmm.

Out of curiosity, why not include Mighty Avengers? Was there a card you opted for instead?

Oct 19, 2021 calderc23 · 82

@MacGhille I totally agree with on prefering my allies to be low cost "meat shields". As a said above I am a Cheap Bastard [grin] so that has always been my preferred mode of play. That is partly way this deck was so much fun for me as I normally almost never play allies that cost this much.

I didn't include Mighty Avengers originally because I had Nick Fury and Beta Ray Bill in the deck meaning I had too many non Avenger allies. I do like your idea however and think I will rebuild the deck with Falcon instead of Beta Ray Bill. After all, it gives me 1 more target for Chaos Magic to hit. I will credit you for the idea.

Oct 19, 2021 calderc23 · 82

@MacGhille Oh, one more thing. The thing that makes this deck work is Summoning Spell and Chaos Magic building the allies for free. Summon Spell requires the Hero to be Mystic. The current Mystic heroes are Scarlet Witch, Doctor Strange, and Adam Warlock. I have done variations of this deck for both. Strange's works really well. Warlocks work but not as well as his signature ally only costs 2.

I guess any hero with a lot of extra energy could also do this deck and just use Rapid Response. Captain Marvel and Black Panther are the first two that come to mind.