Doctor Strange going infinite

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

skireav · 93

Hello fellow heroes! It is the first time I ever publish a deck but this one is such a blast that I wanted to share it with you!

Edit : I put 2 Sky Cycle but in fact there are 3 of them in the deck (yes I know what you think, that makes 41 cards in the deck, but honestly I cannot see a card to cut,and you go through your deck so fast that it's no big deal!). Since you use them as resources at the beginning of the game, with 3, you are more likely to be able to play at least one during the first turn of your deck. And ultimately you want to equip all of your allies with it.

This deck is very fun to play and ridiculously powerful! You will laugh at the villain's face which gave you so many headaches during your previous fights with random heroes. Once you are settled, even the toughest villains are helpless against the raw power of your magic (and your allies!) I say "once you are settled", because this is the only weakness of the deck, it takes quite a bit of preparation before it can reach its full potential. Fortunately, your best friend, which is your invocation deck, is there to deal with the early dangers, along with some of your magical tools like Astral Projection or Magic Blast. It may seem odd to see a Leadership deck with only 2 allies (besides Wong), but when they are fully equipped, both of them are worth an army! The goal of the deck is to abuse the power of these allies and turn them into real warmachines. Yondu will be able to attack at 3+1 and Cosmo will attack at 2+1 or thwart at 3 +1 damage. This is not bad, but the fun thing is that they will be able to do so at least twice a turn while never taking a single consequential damage, and allowing them to stay on the table the whole game!

Honestly, playing with Cosmo in a Doctor Strange deck makes me feel a bit like cheating, but it is sooo fun and, after all, Doctor Strange is a magician! What makes him so powerful in this deck is the fact that it will allow you to play each turn the spell(s) you want from your invocation deck, while removing threats or slowly decreasing the villain's health. The "trick" is well known by now, but for those who don't know : when you attack or thwart with Cosmo, you must discard the first card of a deck and check the type of the card. Well, your invocation deck is actually a deck, so is legit to choose, and it shouldn't be very hard to "guess" what the type of the first card wii be... This will allow you to discard the cards that you don't want, and search for the most appropriate one, according to the situation.

I think you will have understood at this point that you want to have your 3 allies asap, each one with a Honorary Avenger and a Sky Cycle. The 2 Inspired and Power Gloves are for Yondu and Cosmo, obviously. Finally, give Yondu his cherished Laser Blaster and Cosmo a Comms Implant. You will notice that Cosmo with his upgrades is at 4 hp, which allows you in a pinch to "take a chance" and choosing your regular deck or the encounter deck when you use him, if you don't want to change the 1st card of your invocation deck.

While the deck is on autopilot when you have all your permanents on the table, the first turns can be a bit "tricky" and you will have heartbreaking decisions to make when you go through your deck for the 1st time,because all your permanents are crucial and you will have to discard some of them as resources in order to pay for the other ones. Fortunately you will go through your deck very very fast, so you will see those discarded cards very soon!

I don't pretend to be a "proplayer" but I've been playing this deck regularly so, here are a few tips, according to my experience.

First, is it needed to say that this deck is rather slow at the beginning, and, as I said, you will have quite a bit of set up before reaching godmode. I love this kind of play-style (my favorite hero of the coreset was Iron Man :-) ), but if you like smashing like a truck right away, well, I'm afraid you're not at the right place. Here are my priorities regarding setting :

1) Cloak of Levitation

2) Cloak of Levitation

3) Guess what...yeaah... Cloak of Levitation ! xD

I will be more serious but I can't stress enough how crucial this card is, especially at the beginning of the game. Being able to thwart and cast a spell, of cast two spells in a turn can sometimes be the difference between losing or winning the game, or at least it can save you a lot of troubles! If you have it in your hand you will want Winds of Watoomb on top of your invocation deck. If not, generally I will search for Images of Ikonn, esp. if there are side schemes, it will allow me to go back safely in alter ego at the end of my 2nd turn.

Keep Mystical Studies if you don't have the cloak, of course! I always keep also Master of the Mystic Arts, if the 1st or 2nd card of your invocation deck happens to be Winds of Watoomb it will give you a huge start! It's a gamble, though, because, note that the setting takes place after your mulligan, so, unfortunately you don't know the top card of your invocation deck at this time. At last, that's how I understand it, if I play it wrong please tell me in the comments.

My 2nd priority would be Cosmo, he is the MVP, the bread and butter of the deck, as he allows you to manipulate your invocation deck. Yondu is also important, he will be of great help to get rid of those pesky minions, but he is quite expensive and you will not always be able to afford him.

My 3rd priority would be resource, respectively The Sorcerer Supreme or The Eye of Agamotto and Quincarrier. They both deserve the same role, 1 extra resource and will be crucial to help you settle. You should always get at last one of these during your first deck turn.

After that, well, equip your allies, extend your board as much as possible, and go for the win! Your 1st Honorary Avenger should always go to Cosmo, so that he will be able to ride an Sky Cycle. Note that Inspired, Laser Blaster and Comms Implant do not require the avenger trait, which is a great deal because you will sometimes have to wait for your Honorary Avenger. Wong is the least useful ally, generally he is the primary target of Earth's Mightiest Heroes to ready another character, or I use it to defend against a villain's attack when he is tough, or to heal Dr Strange. His ability is rarely used, you have Cosmo for that. Avengers Mansion is nice to have but definitely not a priority. It could even be removed from the deck but I have always loved this card since the beginning...and Dr Strange can easily pay for it once he has his resource generators. I decided to keep it mainly because he can be useful for the end of the game if I screw up.

Here is the final trick, the icing on the cake, and the one that really made me want to publish this deck! Some of you will have noticed the title of the deck : "going infinite". It is not only because the allies have "infinite" life, but because, when your board is all set, and ...if the villain is still alive of course, with a bit of planning you can go for an infinte turn!

You want to have Winds of Watoomb face up as your 4th or 5th card of your invocation deck, 6 cards or less in your deck and 2 Master of the Mystic Arts in your hand, or 1 in your hand and the other one in your deck. Let's say you have 6 cards left in your deck. Knowing that, when you have all your permanents on the table, your total deck size is 18 cards (15 events + 3 resources).

You play Master of the Mystic Arts (MMA) using The Eye of Agamotto or Quincarrier to pay for it, you now have 8 cards in hand, 3 in your deck. You exhaust Dr Strange to play again Winds of Watoomb, 11 cards in hand (including 1 MMA), 7 cards in your discard (including 1 MMA). Your deck is empty, the 7 cards in your discard become your deck. You get a face down encounter card! OMG!!!!!! xD You then use Cosmo and/or Wong to find Winds of Watoomb again, play MMA, 4 cards left in your deck, if you got your other MMA play it, otherwise you have 2 Spiritual Meditation to find it, rinse, repeat...It's kinda hard to explain but ultimately you will play repeatedly Get Ready and MMA, attack for 3+1 with Yondu, ready him,until the villain falls dead! It might seem hard to believe but trust me, it works, I've done it several times! The first version of the deck did not include Get Ready but I added them when I happened to make the infinite turn "accidentally" and realized that I can repeat it. So as you see Avengers Mansion is security for this turn if I mess up things and I'm one card short to find fuel to keep the loop going, but I think it could be replaced by a second Laser Blaster for Cosmo, because I stabilized I use him mainly to attack at least once a turn.

Well if you kept reading until now, congrats! I apologize for the faults, english is not my mother tongue as you must have noticed ;-)

I encourage you to give it a try and let me know your feelings about it!


Sep 01, 2021 Gamerdad88 · 1

I kinda like the idea of going 'infinite' with Cosmo and Yondu. Wong and Cosmo cycle through the invocation deck fast enough to get the tough statuses back. I wonder what Earths Mightiest Heroes does in this deck though, because the only Avenger character in your is Dr. Strange himself. The same question for Sky Cycle, this card can only be attached to an Avenger. And since cloak of Levitation does the same, and even more, I think it's a dead card here.

I'm sorry, I didn't wanna pull down your deck. Like I said, I like the idea of going 'infinite'. But the cards I mentioned before could be replaced for something better I think :).


Sep 02, 2021 skireav · 93

@Gamerdad88Thanks for your comment. I put in the deck 3 Honorary Avenger to play on my allies so that they become avengers, which allows me to play all the cool cards requiring the avenger trait. Earth's Mightiest Heroes is mainly here to get an extra activation of Dr Strange. This is always useful. Sometimes you don't have your cloak in the early game. And even if you have it, it is always nice to have. It allows you 3 activations of Dr Strange in a single turn, for example, rec in alter ego, then flip to hero, thwart,and then cast a spell of your invocation deck. Besides that, the cost of the card is 0 so it is very easy to play.

Sep 08, 2021 teamcanadahockey2002 · 8263

@skireav I have a similar deck, based around Wong, Cosmo + attachments, Get Ready, Earth's Mightiest Heroes and Honorary Avenger.

My strategy though is a bit different. My goal is to try and end (and therefore start) each turn with a fresh invocation deck, with the goal being to always play Crimson Bands for the 7 damage and stun every turn. In order to do this you need to be able to turn over all 5 invocation cards though.... and never any more. The cloak and basic turn will give you 2, and Wong + Cosmo with either on a Sky Cycle guarantees this every round. Get Ready can also help with this too, and I use Ant-Man to power Earth's Mighties Heroes to try and get a 3rd spell out.

Anyways, make sure to go through 5 spells exactly, so that you get that fresh new deck each turn. When it comes up, play Crimson Bands for the 7 Damage, and then pick one (two if EMH hits) to play otherwise. When Cosmo gets fully powered up, you'll play him twice (3x with Get Ready) and he'll hit for 4 each time.

This makes a common turn something like this: 7 Damage + Stun (2ER cost), 4 Threat Removal + Confuse (1ER), Cosmo x2 for 8 Damage, Wong for one invocation cycle + 1 heal on Strange if needed. Plus of your 6 card hand (+ the Eye) you'll likely have 4 cards left at this point...

When you can do 15 damage, stun + confuse a villain, heal a damage from yourself and still have the Hulk's hand size left, you're surely a Sorcerer Supreme :)