A great card that, sadly, has to compete for relevancy with it's big brother, the Shoulder Cannon. It may not have the same burst potential, but, for a 1 cost card, 2 damage and ranged is great value. It's an attack, so it triggers things like Float Like a Butterfly, but ignores retaliate. Also keep in mind that it has the same ammo cost as shooting the Shoulder Cannon twice. It may not see use often, but I wouldn't discard it unless strictly necessary. Of course, if you have to decide between this and the Shoulder Cannon, drop it, it is heavily outclassed in terms of versatility and long-term value.
Arma. Tecnologia.
Costo: 1.
Azione Eroe (attacco): Esaurisci Lanciamissili e rimuovi 1 gettone munizione da War Machine → infliggi 2 danni a un nemico. Questo attacco ottiene Distanza.
War Machine #6. War Machine #6.
