Gamora Aggression: Stun Kill Stun

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Butthorn · 13

Version 1.

Gamora's ability to deal damage and thwart consistently is without question. Her survivability can be a little shaky though, especially in true solo. Rather than let off the gas and play protection or splash protection cards with Skilled Tactician, we can instead use a couple strong blockers and stuns to stay in hero form and stay punching/thwarting.

Between Mockingbird, 2x Drop Kick, 3x Tackle we have access to 6 stun effects. Then we have 3x Plan of Attack that can dig for Drop Kick or Tackle and we also have Nebula to tutor for one. With this we can consistently stun, deal damage, and thanks to her great suite of thwarting cards and 3x Clear the Area keep threat down.

Groot and Hulk and here for blocks but will need some more testing. Let me know what you think, working through the scenarios in release order this deck has worked well so far but I have not hit GMW campaign yet where more justice cards could be needed.


May 14, 2021 neothechosen · 10939

Pretty cool! I think we see eye-to-eye on this, I've come to the same conclusions as you and played a list very close to this for a while. I ended up trading Tackle for more justice cards, but still worth it in solo where stun is king.

May 14, 2021 Butthorn · 13

@neothechosen For aggression I can definitely see swapping to more justice for GMW/multiplayer. I haven't gotten to play with Gamora too much yet but I'm looking forward to altering the list, I'm not sold on Groot/Hulk and want to experiment with cards like Jarnbjorn in multiplayer where I don't need to worry about applying statuses as much. Thanks for the feedback!