Rocket Raccoon - Silver Raccoon!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

neothechosen · 10919

This is my latest take on protection Rocket Raccoon. The first version of this deck ( was all about survival and protection events. While it was fun, it wasn't as efficient as I'd hoped.

This version features far less events; gone are the Side Step and co. Most of the green cards are gone, it truly has become a silver deck with a splash of green.

I must add that it is a build meant for true solo, as multiplayer games have a different logic.


The roughest part of playing RR is that he's so incredibly squishy at first! Of course with a board full of allies, upgrades and all he's unstoppable, but you have to get there first.

So, to help you survive the first few rounds, make good use of stuns (Mockingbird, Iron Fist, Tackle) or chomp-block.

I usually play expert mode, so you may consider a muligan to get your hands on I've Got a Plan if there's a few side schemes. Example: Klaw... With I've Got a Plan and Ironheart in your starting hand, you can defeat both side schemes and get a block on your first round. Pretty cool.

In the long run, Cybernetic Skeleton and Endurance will push your hp to a max of 15, and Down Time to a REC of 5. Booster Boots and Energy Barrier will lower the damage taken. I usually take two hits, then get rid of the barrier using "tinkering" in AE, unless I have an empty Battery Pack that should be a priority.

A rich Raccoon!

The biggest issue I had with the previous version was spending cards such as Side Step then finding myself with a lesser hand size, not a good deal if you want to play cards with a big impact - and a big price!

So the deck now features The Power in All of Us to help pay for the big guns: Avengers Mansion, Nick Fury, War Machine, Lockjaw, Groot,Helicarrier, Mockingbird, Spider-Man. It also pays single-handedly for Ironheart, a cheap blocker and a way to cycle your deck.

The result is I get to play high cost cards easily and STILL can pay for Battery Pack, Reload and such.

Avengers Mansion and Helicarrier are also a big step up if you want to achieve really big turns.


Of course, allies are a huge part of this deck. Most benefit from The Power in All of Us being in there, and they help a lot in buying you time to get set up. In between the stuns from your allies and Tackle, have them block for you while you prepare your weapons.

Lockjaw is a real good target to play from the discard as the game goes on, since you'll see your double-resources more often as you thin out your deck.

Nick Fury should always be a draw 3, THW 2, block, unless you really need an emergency 4 DMG or 2 more THW. Helps cycle your deck and get set up faster.

End of game

Usually Rocket Raccoon gets stronger as the game goes (not taking into account expert GMW which I have yet to try...), so you get crazy turns like being able to shoot twice your Rocket Launcher and Particle Cannon - sometimes even 3 times if you're lucky and get both Reload at the same time! For example, I dropped 3rd stage Klaw in one round that way (I also had allies in play to complete the 22 dmg needed).

So all in all, it's a pretty fun ride!