Thor-God of Punching Things 2.0

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

NormalModeGuy · 973

So this is the updated version of my previous Thor deck which did well vs expert. Thor still has his Gigantic flaws with momentum. But something insane, something inspiring happened when Galaxy's Most Wanted dropped.

Looking for Trouble is almost an exact mirror of Defender of the Nine Realms but ONLY targets the main scheme. Which is more than fair for the price of ZERO

The key thing that makes this build different, is that now Spider-Girl went from 'eeew' to "I want this." Hulk can honestly still be swapped out. He's not great. That's just a sad fact. Either pick Brawn or even Bug over Hulk.

"Let's be honest, you know you wanted to play Relentless Assault"

For the longest time, this great artwork has been a slave to "This is only good vs X-Villain." tier. But no longer. With 6x ways to spit out minions, you can smash enemies with glee AND be rewarded much better with cards like Moment of Triumph to give Thor his well needed respite when you overkill an enemy with Hammer Throw. Guaranteed you are going to put a minion down to 1 and hammer throw it just for +7 life. And I'll be honest, sometimes you just crave it.

Avengers Mansion (I'm not gonna link that card, we all know what it does by now) and Asgard fixes his biggest issue of tiny hand size penalty. But you know what's even more fun than draw and smashing minions? Chase Them Down. This card when paired with Looking for Trouble is an easy -5 threat which is no joke in aggression!

Too long, didn't read. Pick up the Hammer, do the smash, do the draw, and be relentless in your pursuit to chase.them.down