Black Widow Passive Aggressive

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

jiistme · 33

This Black Widow deck is designed around getting her preparations out in order to be able to deal with most anything that comes at her during the villain phase. It is a slow building deck that really starts to shine during its second iteration. The initial goals should be able to get out any supports that will help get more preparations out in a turn.

Ideally Espionage builds up over a few turns so that when a surge hits you are drawing 4-6 cards. Don't forget that Espionage can trigger in Alter Ego or Hero form. One copy of Enhanced Physique is included because it is possible (if all of her allies, supports and upgrades are in play) to have just 1 card in her deck with a physical resource (Strength). By including Enhanced Physique, it gives her a way to remove villain attachments that require a physical resource and doubles as another way to pay for cards without using a card from your hand. Combat Training is in the deck primarily for the second iteration through the deck when she starts to go on the offensive. "You'll Pay for That!" has only one copy in the deck. It is another method to be able to deal with threat while her board is getting setup. Since this is a 42 card deck, if there were 2 cards removed, I would recommend Combat Training and "You'll Pay for That". That being said, it plays pretty well as a 42 card deck.