Ms. Marvel Team Aggression

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Spliff · 672

Fun little number for Ms. Marvel focusing on Aggression Events and Allies.

What makes this deck unique is using Team-Building Exercise to play the Champion and Inhuman Allies. You can even use it in her alter-ego side to play Lockjaw. Just remember that Team-Building Exercise only works on cards in your hand though, so he can’t be played for cheaper from your discard.

The rest of it is Aggression events. Embiggen! provided really nice synergy with the event cards. Melee gets to deal +2 on each hit, and Into the Fray removes additional threat.

Martial Prowess is a great setup card and helps you play more Attack events. I added Press the Advantage here because Martial Prowess allows you to play it for “free”.

Last event is Surprise Attack which is good with Ms Marvel because she is constantly switching to Alter Ego to leverage her Personas.

Jarnbjorn is there to take advantage of extra you might have lying around.

Setup priorities include Martial Prowess, Team-Building Exercise, and Embiggen!.