I’m Ready Already (No Ally Leadership)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Spliff · 659

Leadership has a bunch of cards that boosts stats temporarily, usually to buff Allies. However, since Quicksilver ready himself so often they’re super good on just him.

Lead from the Front, Morale Boost, and Moxie are our main cards here. You’ll want to us these cards in conjunction with Always Be Running for maximum effect.

Avengers Assemble! is expensive, but also offers an additional ready effect. Many times it ends up being a resource, but hey! You still got other cards to play!

Civic Duty and Adrenaline Rush can boost your stats further, and have the added advantage of being able to be saved for future turns.

The last cards, Assess the Situation, can be used on turns where you don’t have a lot of options to ready yourself to power up your next turn.

Gameplay begins with the familiar build up. Friction Resistance is a key part, doling out extra resources. Depends on your initial hand it might not be a bad idea to try and mulligan for this card.

Accelerated Reflex, Hyper Perception and Reinforced Sinew all provide more stat bonuses. Lastly, Serval Industries is another great card because it allows you to keep shuffling Always Be Running back into your deck, plus if you have to ever discard a stat upgrade this can get it back sooner as well.

Once you’re all set up it’s pretty straight forward. Jack your stats up and spam Always Be Running. Friction Resistance will ready every time Quicksilver does, so use it to play Always Be Running making it essentially free.

Edit: Tossed the Avengers Assemble! as they were too expensive and added Tenacity for more readies. While not a high priority setup card, it’s worth while on your “off turns” to setup for the future turns where you play a lot of stat boosting cards.


Feb 11, 2021 adsarf · 440

I'd never have thought of a deck like this. Thank you.

But how do you keep Quicksilver alive for the first few turns with 9HP, 1 DEF and no allies?

Feb 11, 2021 Spliff · 659

Thanks for the comment!

Firstly, don’t forget that you can use a basic power and ready EACH phase, so feel free to defend at least the first Attack each phase.

Most importantly though, cards Moxie and Morale Boost both last until the end of the round, which is after the Villain turn. They will help you Defend as well.

In solo it might also help to mulligan for Accelerated Reflex, but I haven’t found this to be critical.

Your last line of defense is Speed Cyclone for very cheap stunning.

In my personal experience, the lack of starting defense hasn’t been an issue. Between the stat boosting cards, Accelerated Reflex and being able to defend every turn I haven’t taken too much damage.

Last recommendation is that if you find yourself starting with Civic Duty and/or Hyper Perception in your starting hand you can also sit in Alter-Ego for a turn or two. That way you can enjoy the advantages of card draw and setup, because it’s easy to blast down the threat level on a scheme. If some minions show up, one of the other stat boosting cards should take them down.

If I have some Assess the Situation in hand, I’ll make to end the turn in Altero Ego to make sure that if I draw Moxie I can leverage it the next turn. You can also use Serval Industries to shuffle any Always Be Running back into your deck to be ready for the next round.

Try it out and let me know what you think!

Feb 12, 2021 lostie · 1

Interesting deck and good to see something out of Leadership that is not based on allies.

Is this deck meant for solo or multiplayer and how does it handle villains like Ultron, Green Goblin (MF) or Zola where you might end up overwhelmed with minions?

Are you flipping that often between forms for Moxie to be worth it? Seems very situational.

The other card inclusion I'm very curious about is Assess the Situation. We're 'wasting' a card in hand on the current turn to have an extra card the following turn, I have to say I find it hard to evaluate its usefulness.

Congrats on the deck and its fresh ideas!

Feb 15, 2021 Spliff · 659

As far as including Moxie, I think it’s totally worth it. First off, if you have Serval Industries in play, you are definitely going to be in Alter-Ego for a good bit. You want to keep shuffling those Always Be Running back into the deck, especially when it’s getting low. Also, due to low HP, you’ll want to take some turns off from being attacked.

As far as playing the deck I play mostly 2-3 players, but have played this Solo as well. I feel that being able to activate so often makes minions relatively easy for him. While this deck is about leveraging basic hero powers, you can also play Double Time to help out with drones.

If you play the deck, let me know how it goes for you.