Another Day at the Office (MCU Themed)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

celric · 428

This deck is meant to simulate some of Steve Roger's relationships from the Winter Soldier & Age of Ultron era. If you want a more challenging and flavorful game, I hope you like this deck.

Our favorite Man Out of Time is still getting use to the modern world and catching up on pop culture in his Down Time with Falcon.

He's becoming a major leader of the Avengers, and amplifies his impact with great Teamwork. The man is about to buy his first flip phone, so he doesn't "know a guy" to call yet.

Speaking of phone numbers, that nurse down the hall is pretty cute. Too bad Agent 13 is our ex-gf's grand daughter. Work relationships are probably a bad idea. We'll keep it professional like we do with Maria Hill. Both of them would make pretty good Honorary Avengers.

If the screen doesn't fade to black before I say it, we might even get to have the Avengers Assemble!