Thor Protection of Thunder

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Gedson · 28

Thor Protection Deck

Firstly, try to increase your hand size with one copy of Avengers Mansion or Asgard(or use For Asgard! to bring it) on your first turn. (4 cards in 10 give you a decent chance to buy one with on the first hand or with your mulligan).

Build up your allys to help sucking damage and deal with treat.

Put Endurance and or Thor's Helmet to help reducing the need to flip back to alter ego form.

And finally, play Enhanced Reflexes and God of Thunder to generate lots of to rump up the Lightning Strike and defeat all the minions you will bring in play with Defender of the Nine Realms.