Captain America Beat em Up

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Iceman009 · 1

Captain America can really do some crazy damages with low cost.

For the early game, try to get Super-Soldier Serum to generate resources.

Once you have Combat Training and Jarnbjorn, you will get really good damage from Mean Swing by exhausting Jarnbjorn. If you don't have Mean Swing, you can simply use Super-Soldier Serum for extra damange with Jarnbjorn. For dealing with minions, you can use Relentless Assault. You still have options to stun with Mockingbird and Heroic Strike.

Battle Fury is very situational. If you are dealing with a lot of minions, it is really good since you have another way to ready up Cap. If there are very few minions, you can replace it with more Enhanced Physique or Uppercut.

You have enough tools to deal with threat with Agent 13, Fearless Determination and Chase Them Down.