Spider-Man and Daredevil keeps the streets clean

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Firesplitter · 20

A simple, but effective Spider-Man deck that is built to keep the city clean by setting up a board with good allies such as Black Cat and (especially) Daredevil. It is rare to see First Aid outside of leadership, but for this deck it makes perfect sense as it will rely on Daredevil to consistently remove threat in cases of emergency due to Spider-Man's natural poor own ability to do so.

Other than that the deck aims at keeping the boss stunned and confused to allow for many free turns without too much worry and to constantly keep the city relatively clean of nasty things. The deck eventually and obviously aims to win by doing a double Swinging Web Kick turn after forcing the villain into stage 3 with the heavy controlled constant attack thanks to a healed Daredevil and Black Cat.

The deck is up to date up until the Ms. Marvel set.