Iron Man - Techs and mental

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

neothechosen · 10708

Haven't played Iron Man protection in a while, giving it a try with some newer cards.

Of course the classic with Iron Man protection is to use tech upgrades to get to a decent hero hand faster. I included 3 Energy Barrier AND 3 Electrostatic Armor. It may be overkill for electrostatic, but it makes it easier to find it early and since they're they can fuel Repulsor Blast.

I really wanted to try Assess the Situation, which actually helps early as a way to boost your sub-par hero hand size. Later on, you either use it for the extra card or, depending on the situation, it can also be used to get aerial from your Rocket Boots (), or BOTH if you have Pepper Potts in play.

On the allies front, Nova and Black Widow can both be fueled by Quincarrier, and I've included Luke Cage and the OTHER War Machine, they both can block twice if needed.


Nov 29, 2020 dafair · 7

I think this build is illegal, since you have both War Machine/James Rhodes cards included. The Star on them means you can only have one per deck, I think.

Nov 30, 2020 neothechosen · 10708

Still looking for this one... I've seen decks with both Hawkeyes in there (but they don't have the same name). Can't find a clarification about two different versions of the same ally, I suspect they can't be in play at the same time, but can they both be in there? Unsure.

TBH in doubt, I would sub for Clea as a cheap blocker.

Dec 17, 2020 Istarkano · 50

Love the build, but yes, it is an illegal build. In the Rules Reference on page 18, under unique: "A player cannot include more than one copy of each unique card (by title) in their deck." The "by title" part references the cards name and subtitle. So, for example, while you can run Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) in a Hawkeye (Clint Barton) deck since they have different subtitles/alter egos, you cannot run the neutral Mockingbird in his deck since they share the same subtitle.

Dec 17, 2020 neothechosen · 10708

That's too bad, I think I'd sub the new War Machine for the original if I could. Anyway I tried the deck with Clea as I wrote earlier, worked fine. Iron Man is just so strong!