Solo Champions League - Season 3, Round 1

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Genosha Games · 55

This deck was used in season 3, round 1 of the Solo Champions League here:

The strategy is to swarm allies. Their job is to stall Ultron, kill drones, and keep the heat off of Doctor Strange so he can focus on his invocation deck and other spells.

Hawkeye is an absolute boss in this matchup. He should be priority number one with recursion, such as Make the Call and Rapid Response.

Squirrel Girl is also a solid unit in this fight.

Mockingbird and Maria Hill fill their usual support roles.

The main job of Wong should be to cycle through the invocation deck as quickly as possible to get those key spells back on top. Use Get Ready to make that happen even faster. He can also heal up Doctor Strange when things get rough.

Crimson Bands of Cyttorak is the most important spell in the invocation deck. It shuts down Ultron's attack in solo play, which means less drones, and it deals heavy damage in the process.

Seven Rings of Raggadorr can help keep blockers around longer or give them extra activations.

Use the Winds of Watoomb to search for the Holy Trinity: Wong, the Cloak of Levitation and The Eye of Agamotto. Doctor Strange becomes unstoppable once those 3 cards are on the table. Mystical Studies can also help you find them.

Try to keep a Master of the Mystic Arts in hand when you know you'll get the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak back online again soon. It will be even better if you can get your hands on both copies at once.

Magic Blast is also noteworthy for the stun and extra damage.

The Sorcerer Supreme does the same job as Avengers Mansion in solo play but at half the cost.

The full rules and details for the Solo Champions League can be found on BGG:

And on Discord: