Ms. Marvel - Justice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Bowser · 37

Here is the latest version of this deck. I have been playing an tinkering with this deck for months and published a few previous versions. Just wanted to post an update version. As I have been playing mostly multiplayer lately I has shifted from my original balanced approach to a more thwart focused approach. But the tweaks are minor and this deck can still play very well solo.

New additions:

  • 3x Clear the Area is amazing with Ms. Marvel. Because she can boost it with Shrink, it is probably better in her deck than any other.

  • 1x Agent Coulson and 1x Counterintelligence were added as part of the shift to focus more on thwarting. They are efficient and consistent.

  • 1x Skilled Investigator is a nice little bonus. It is not essential to the deck and it can be scenario dependent. But you can really string together plays with it and Clear the Area.

Some additional thoughts on the deck as it evolves:

  • You can really go with a toolbox approach to this deck because Ms. Marvel runs though her deck so fast. You can afford a few situational cards like Under Surveillance and Skilled Investigator. If they come up at the wrong time, just use them to play your events and allies. But because you move through your deck quickly you are more likely to see them at the right time than you would be with other decks. Just don't include too many situational cards or you risk getting a hand full of them.

  • Mulligan aggressively for your setup cards like Aamir Khan, Nakia Bahadir, Shrink, Embiggen!, and Biokinetic Polymer Suit. They are the key to making this deck run. You can afford to fall behind in damage or threat a little if you are making good progress in your setup. You'll make up the difference very quickly when you are setup.