Rain's 42-card Justice Wasp Deck (Updated 2025)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

RainYupa · 130

With the release of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., I felt that one of my favorite heroes deserved an update! As a disclaimer, I keep all my heroes built at the same time so not all cards are available as they may be tied up with other heroes.

Wasp is an underappreciated hero by many that I seem to keep returning to. The newest release has given me a nice combo to work with that I wanted to share.

The combo in question: Using Nadia Van Dyne's Alter-Ego ability to shuffle in a Sonic Rifle, using Leo Fitz to immediately search it back out, using Jemma Simmons to help replay it, then changing to hero form to confuse the villain. Every turn against non-stalwart villains, Wasp can confuse them and use the opportunity to flip down, shuffle in some great events or allies on turn 1. Then on turn 2, use the above combo to regain Sonic Rifle plus shuffle in one more card, and repeat! The only time I wouldn't flip down is if I drew into Lay Down the Law in which case I'd simply change form instead.

Government Liaison helps play for all the S.H.I.E.L.D. allies, but also helps pay for The Douglass that you can also keep shuffling back into your deck once it is spent. Between recurring 4 allies, 8 events, 3 support teams, and that Helicarrier, threat should be handily controlled!


Mar 17, 2025 Daring Lime · 3744

Solid list

Mar 18, 2025 Lucasumb · 1

Cool idea! Great job! What would you have done differently if you had all cards available? Just out of curiosity…