Card draw simulator
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ClassyRobot · 6778
The biggest criticism I see for the amazing ally Spider-UK is that he can't really defend against the villain. That was until he was enlisted by S.H.I.E.L.D.
The Pericles + Spider-UK + Hangar Bay = :)
The Circe puts allies into play, getting around WW restrictions and resource restrictions for allies
There are typically two opening hands you are looking at, the one with a key piece, like Spider-UK, and the one where you can chuck it all for a carrier. For the first scenario the ideal play is to get Helicarrier with Maria's AE ability into the key piece, such as Web of Life and Destiny or Spider-UK. I still prioritize The Pericles over The Circe, but The Circe is crucial to help get around WW restrictions and ally resource requirements.
Peter joining S.H.I.E.L.D is another huge boon, acting as a better Command Team if you have a Field Agent on the table. Combining the two together will result in a massive swing in both damage/thw and card draw if you, for example, loop SP//dr a few times in a single turn.
Maria's events are all great options to grab for Ghost-Spider when she heads on out.
I include a second copy Hangar Bay to feel less bad chucking it in the opening hand if it shows up.
Otto didn't play well with The Circe so he was ultimately cut for Agent 13. You can always do just standard Maria things with this deck in a pinch. The Triskelion](/card/01073) was also considered to bump up UK's interrupt one more, and due to the ally board getting crowded between him and Nick, but even 2 or 3 damage from UK's interrupt is solid. I opted Command Team over it for more counters and being able to overcharge the WW to cycle them in and out faster.

I had an idea to pair Maria with the Webheads but hadn't gotten around to it. This looks awesome!