Card draw simulator
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Irulan · 8
This deck concerns Psylocke at her arrival in the X-Men and in the USA, following her tribulation as a star in the Mojoverse. It goes from the Mutant Massacre period to the sacrifice of the X-Men vs the Adversary in order to save the world.
I've added Cypher, who was then a New Mutant - but not an X-Man - and helped to save Psylocke (they had a fling). Forge would help before to officially join the X-Men a few years later. Nightcrawler and Shadowcat received grievous wounds quickly and went to recover; Colossus could stay despite him being stuck in his metal form.
Psylocke then had some limited telepathy, whereas she was able to fry the mind of her extra-dimensional brother who tried to rape her; or the one of Sabretooth with Inferno unleashing her power without control. Many of her beginning adventures were about the Marauders killing the Morlocks and the subsequent consequences. Moira MacTaggert was called for help, the Hangar Bay served as a campaign hospital and there were many hurt people - when they were not dead.
Fluff deck. For a valid deck, remove Cypher (who was the first to welcome Psylocke amidst her new comrades) & Psychic Manipulation from Justice cards, Wolverine - a lonely wolf by nature - & Psychic Assault from Agression, and the 3 Leadership cards (Med Lab, Uncanny X-Men & Won't Stay Down)
You can replace them by 3 Psychic Misdirection, the 3 Protection side Player schemes & Med Team; or any cards of your choice