Spider-Woman's Multi Use Multiple Man

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Chillachilles · 27

Multi uses for Multiple Man? With Spider Woman this is possible. The trick is to get Multiple Man out as soon as possible, wich will give max use out of Band Together and three cards from Strength In Numbers. With this you should have easy access to your more expensive cards. This this deck has access to 7 readys, if you sidekick Captain Marvel. No worries if you don't have The Triskelion out, her basic activation will already give you a draw, and doesnt affect Band Together. Med Team is there to heal your sidekick, so she can stay out. Three draws from Strength In Numbers + 2 from Captain Marvel via Sky Cycle, and one from Avengers Mansion will give you some pretty awesome Turbo draw. Hope you all enjoy!