Iron Man - Protection…does this work?!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

NickE81 · 9

I’m often guilty of 50 card decks, so slimmed this as much as I can. I think this will work pretty well! Keen to receive constructive feedback.


Jan 21, 2025 Starlordxx · 224

There's some things I like and some things I dislike about the deck.

I like the inclusion of Nova and I want to encourage you to lean into the Energy Resource focus of the deck a bit more.

You got Quincarrier which is a good include You don't have Ingenuity which while not Energy resource, basically frees up other resources that are Energy to be spent accordingly.

Electrostatic Armor is Max 1 and you must defend the attack to deal the damage. This is definitely achievable eventually, which leads to my next point.

In order for Tony to get to Hero side as soon as possible, you'll want to get as many tech upgrades into play as quickly as possible.

You can include 2 Plasma Pistol to replace the 2 armors. Like Energy Barrier, Plasma Pistol is a tech upgrade that increases Iron Man's hand size

Non-Energy Resource cards like Powerful Punch, Counter-Punch, and What Doesn't Kill Me, Side Step, Defensive Energy, Preservation, and The Power of Protection will clog the deck and likely be the cards you'll be discarding to Tony's "Futurist" ability or as resources to play upgrades and allies before you flip and have a hand sizer greater than 4.

As for a final note if you do lean into Nova and Repulsor Blast capabilities, you can find TONS of green cards that are Energy Resource. I don't have a ton of examples off the top of my head, but If you want it to be more multi-player-friendly, definitely include Helicarrier and Avengers Mansion

Jan 21, 2025 NickE81 · 9

Hi, really appreciate the help. I put together in a bit of a rush before bed without too much thought but wanted to give it a go nonetheless. I'll do a 2nd version with some further considerations. Thanks again.