She-Hulk Always Flipping (Wave 1 & 2 Only)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Kevix · 13

Note: This deck is only using cards from Wave 1 & 2.

She-Hulk really wants to be flipping every round to take advantage of her hero ability and the extra two cards (plus 1 scheme prevention) in alter ego, but it’s hard because she and her kit are terrible at thwarting.

So, similar to my Iron Man build I discovered I really like Foiled! in her deck as a 0 cost way to prevent thwart while she’s in Alter-Ego form. Unlike Iron man it’s not just there for the first couple turns but allows you to flip down and feel comfortable that you know if the villian pulled a 2-3 boost that the main scheme won’t pop. For example, if the scheme is at 4/7 and the villian schemes for 2 you can feel fairly comfortable flipping down knowing you can essentially cancel the boost cards. Advance still sucks but there is only so much you can do about bad luck!

Unlike Iron man though you do need a real way to deal with Threat that is already on schemes. For that, I’ve found that Lay Down the Law is great for her. The rate on the card is great even though it is sometimes awkward to play but it helps you recover from being in Alter-Ego. I think it also works after playing Split Personality.

Not sure there is much else unique about this deck but the Agent Coulson package alongside Under Surveillance helps enable constant flipping. Spider-Man is also really good at keeping the schemes under control.