Stunning Steve Rogers! UpperCAP! Aggression Captain America

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Attercop! · 75

Updated since Rise of the Red Skull

Steve isn't the strongest Avenger, but he's one of the most skilled fighters. Playing a Stun heavy build like this feels like you're outmaneuvering your opponent, landing calculated blows to disable your opponent.

Thanks to Super-Soldier Serum and a ton of options for strong resource cards, Aggression Cap just makes perfect sense to focus on those resources and maximize Drop Kick in the process. Martial Prowessis functionally similar to the Serum in a build like this thanks to the high count of Attack Events.

Jarnbjornis a card that I always second guess with Cap because of his hero ability allowing a single card to either be 2 more damage or 2 threat removed, but Jarnbjorn really shines in the deck when you're in situations where you need more than that second hero basic action, or are recovering from a Stun. Attacking multiple minions, breaking Tough tokens from targets, setting up KOs for other players at the table, the axe might not be as useful as it is for other heroes, but it DOES help here.