Spider-Woman Team Player Prot & Aggr

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Tuark · 127

I've had a couple ideas for Spider-Woman, I think she has a lot of potential with combining two colors.

This deck is all about resource, healing, and damage efficiency. Med Team and Tac Team are very efficient cards but do their thing over time. They also don't require you to be in Hero form to use there tokens. I prioritize playing these above my other damage and healing cards. I found that I have so much healing that I was able to help out my teammates and their allies often with health.

I built the deck around 2 and 3 cost cards because of the 7 double resource cards on top of Finesse and Martial Prowess.

A combo to remember is you can get Captain Marvel out and use Med Team to heal her allowing you use her and draw a card every turn. This makes Captain Marvel into another Avengers Mansion for you.