Spider Camouflage

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

MisplayChampion · 45

I gave myself a couple of restrictions for this deck. First, there would be only basic cards. Second, this would not become a Spider-Friends/Web-Warriors deck. Due to these two limitations, the deck leans a bit more to the casual side. There are a few combo/synergies to explore, but they are not as deep as a fleshed out aspect synergy would be.

Spider-Man is our only Web-Warrior. He synergizes with our Web-Shooter nicely and is also cheaper with Team-Building Exercise. This small synergy could be expounded upon if you chose to go with all Web-Warriors and build around Warrior of the Great Web and Web of Life and Destiny.

Moon Girl is amazing here as she is capable of drawing several cards throughout the game. If you only have 2 mental resources, reduce her cost with Team-Building Exercise and save a resource for another card in hand.

Mockingbird, Professor X, and Vivian are all used to gain small advantages over the Villain and his cronies. Mockingbird gives us some breathing room for a turn. Professor X allows us to safely plan a turn on Alter-Ego side. Vivian can help push past pesky Guard, Patrol, Crisis, or Hazard icons to name a few. Sometimes, all you need a little space to make an impactful play!

"Go for Champions!" is a last resort to extend our battle just one last turn or get one more use out of some key blockers. Normally, we want to cycle our Champions and the deck to see them more often and get their "when played" abilities. However, it can be the case that keeping them around for 1 more turn means the difference in losing to damage or threat.

Haymaker and Hit and Run are not great. They are here because they provide some small instances of damage and incidental thwart. These should not be prioritized plays at all. The general game loop revolves around maximizing each action with Spider-Man and playing 1-2 allies per turn for maximum value. I would still prioritize the Venom Blast and Spider-Camouflage abilities over most other plays, but those are situational.

Spider-Camouflage should be prioritized when flipping-down to Alter-Ego and Venom Blast should be prioritized when staying in the fight, especially if you cannot land an ally that turn.

Jefferson Davis and Ganke Lee are great supports. I would prioritize Ganke Lee since this all basic list lacks card draw and card selection. There are a few sporadic instances of card draw, but nothing as consistent as Web of Life and Destiny.

Overall, this deck is fun and allows a player to learn the basics of the game and the different types of cards while also allowing them to explore some more diverse mechanics and timing by triggering the Spider-Man responses.

If you want to make this deck much more powerful and synergistic, replace all of the allies (with the exception of Moon Girl, Nick Fury, and Professor X with Web-Warriors. Replacing the Haymaker and the Hit and Run are a bit tricky right now if you want to keep these slots for events. You should drop at least 1 of each to make room for Across the Spider-Verse and Warrior of the Great Web.