Allies are the most Powerful Card Type

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

andyr · 7430

I was listening to Shadow of the Cast's Leadership episode after watching VillainTheory talk about allies, and I thought, let's put this to the extreme.

How does Hulk handle allies? It turns out, surprisingly well. I'll admit, this was a joke deck at first, but then it kept winning. And as much as I hate to admit it, allies are the most powerful card types.

This deck uses Hulk as a tank so allies do a lot of the work. Defend with "enters play" allies when they are one health left, but always keep two allies in play so Band Together is always a double.

When you mulligan, aim for an ally that has a draw ability (Ironheart, Kaluu, Maria Hill, Nick Fury, White Tiger) and a resource. Which, most of your hands will be one or two allies with one or two resources.

Play allies, defend with Hulk, chump block when you need slots for more allies, win the game.

Disclaimer: This deck is not for the player who likes clean boards, interesting decisions, or seeing Hulk shine through his events. This deck has no "building." You are ally spamming to death. To be clear, it's till the villain's death. :D