Sticky-Spider is Tough to Kill

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Castlefrank47 · 755

The idea behind this deck is to get Spider-Womans base Attack up utilizing an amplify icon from Headpool or Lady Deadpool in conjunction with Laser Swords as well as Specialized Training. Then we utilize giving out toughs through Contaminant Immunity, Muster Courage, Establish Perimeter or allies with toughs to avoid the damage. Since we're boosting the attack stat we might as well ready a whole bunch so we have 3 copies of Leading Blow, Stick-To-Itiveness which can be paid for by Finesse and her in kit Self-Propelled Glide which can be paid for by Deft Focus. It's very easy to get Spider-Woman up to 5 or 6 Attack on a regular basis while also having access to multiple readies.


Laser Swords or Specialized Training so we can get an attack stat boost

Lady Deadpool or Headpool to power Laser Swords.

Finesse to pay for Stick-To-Itiveness as well as other aspect cards.

Stick-To-Itiveness for extra readies

Healing Factor as early game we might have to take some damage while setting up. It also allows us to continually get the triple resource bonus by being at full health.

Deft Focus to pay for her many Superpower cards.

Once set up with a pool ally, Laser Swords and Specialized training her attack will be at 3. A turn can look like this play one of her Superpower cards to go up to 4 attack, then play Leading Blow to boost her to 5 which you can then ready since you'll deal damage. Then utilize Stick-To-Itiveness to ready again and if you have Deft focus out you could play self-propelled Glide for another ready. Even if the boost card on leading blow had 3 icons you'd still deal 2 damage and with the other 3 attacks you'd end up dealing 17 damage.

Turn 1 I'm usually shooting for getting a pool ally out, finesse, Healing Factor, Laser Swords or Specialized Training. Mulligan to get at least one of these for set up, hopefully 2 if you can draw into one of the 6 resource cards especially the pool ones.

Overall the deck has been a ton of fun, it's been fun to focus on toughs as opposed to stuns/confuse.

I'd love to hear any feedback on experiences with the deck.