Iron Man Pew Pew Protection

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Garnanana · 13

Iron man built out is insane. To get his suit assembled we have options to prevent damage and stay alive. First pass through deck will be setup, and Stark will nuke the villain down quick during the second deck pass.

Generally, the most important upgrade to get out is the Arc Reactor. If safe to do so, turn 1 I'll stay in Alter Ego and turn 2 switch to the hero side. With arc reactor, it's very easy to remove four threat a turn which is generally enough to allow you to keep up on threat and be able to flip down again on turn 3.

On second pass through the deck, the villain should be melted using Iron Man's attack action cards.

Each of the protection allies are there to protect us. Victor Mancha is great for blocking a low attack minion each round. Clea can make returns if the scenario calls for chump blocking rather than our other options.

White Fox and Digging Deep are fantastic and may pop out as a bonus when discarding cards while using your alter ego ability or Repulsor blast event.

Small minions can be annoying. First Hit and Martyr are great for knocking out smaller minions while also improving Stark's sustainability.