The Indomitable Spider-Woman

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

WanderingTook · 125


A well-rounded Spider-Woman deck, suitable for solo or multiplayer games.


Spider-Woman lives or dies by the number of aspect cards she can play. The strategy is to maximize card play by using Unflappable and Captain Marvel to draw cards (ie, resources), and stuffing the deck with potent, low-cost cards.

This deck is geared towards defense and readying. Ideally, you get two uses of her stats per turn (typically 3-3-3); one for defense, and one for either thwarting or attacking, depending on the situation. Between Indomitable, Desperate Defense, and Self-Propelled Glide, you'll be able to do that most turns. If you can't, Pheromones can bail you out of a tricky situation.

Notable Achievements

  • Defeating Crossbones (solo and multiplayer) without advancing the first scheme
  • Defeating Absorbing Man (solo) with only five delay counters.

Nov 16, 2020 bigfomlof · 37

Love this deck, brother. Sure is getting me through Red Skull. Can't lose.