Cleaver-Sized Claws

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

MarvChampAddict · 7

This deck is all about keeping your basic ATK high, and staying in hero form for as long as possible. Your passive healing at the beginning of the player phase, Wolverine's Regenerative Healing and Triage should ensure you almost never need to flip to recover health. If you've got Deft Focus on the board, then Regenerative Healing becomes free.

Boom Boom, and Colossus are both included for minion management, Jubilee for the ATK buff, and Nick Fury for the card draw.

Mean Swing (+3 to basic ATK), Combat Training (+1 to basic ATK), and Hand Cannon (+2 to basic ATK) are your bread and butter here, since Jubliee's bonus is just a one-time thing. With these 3 cards, you're exhausting Wolverine's Claws on most turns to do a combined 8 damage per round, without accounting for whatever you've got in your hand. Getting "Now I'm Mad" out, also helps, but trying take advantage of this is living dangerously, as the villain could one-hit KO you by the time that becomes effective.

Other cards included to increase your longevity are Endurance, Specialized Training (your pick of stat bonuses!) and Battle Fury/Blood Rage for the extra ready/card draw.

Every other non-hero aspect card is prioritized as resources, as there's not much in the deck here intended for minion management. The goal of this deck is to rip off as much health from the boss as you possibly can in one turn, repeatedly.

This is my first published deck, so I welcome all feedback.