Spidey's Snipers - A flexible deck archetype for beginners!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

maddox · 180

This is an older, pre-X-Men deck that I just slightly updated with Professor X and Call for Backup. New players and with smaller collections can build a version of this deck with the core set and just 2 packs: Star-Lord for Yondu and Laser Blaster, and War Machine or NeXt Evolution for Sidearm. The rest of this list is either included in the Core Set or 100% replaceable!



  • Hard-mulligan for Black Cat or Yondu. These are your snipers. They are the only allies in Marvel Champions that don't take consequential damage or pay any other cost to attack. Play each as soon as you draw them, and try to keep them alive the whole game. If you draw both, play Yondu first. If you draw neither, Call for Backup is the next best thing.
  • Start putting upgrades on these guys, ASAP. Have them attack for free every turn, multiple times per turn, using Get Ready and Inspiring Presence for extra activations. Note that only Yondu can pick up the Comms Implant and Laser Blaster.
  • Yondu + Comms Implant + Inspiring Presence is the most reliable source of Thwart in the deck, so this probably isn't ideal for true-solo. Hopefully a friend can help you thwart Call for Backup... and every other scheme on the table...
  • The single copies of Rapid Response and Regroup are for getting extra value out of your 3 non-sniper allies, or to save your snipers in a pinch. If you don't own Professor X yet, run Mockingbird instead. You can only have 3 allies on the table at a time, so once Yondu and Black Cat are out there permanently sniping for you, that third slot should be a revolving door, where Maria, Nick, and Charles each stop by for a quick 1-turn visit, then immediately chump block on the villain's turn.
  • Spidey will frequently need to use his DEF and Backflip to absorb damage and protect his snipers. 50% of the deck is , so Black Cat should draw you at least one card when you play her.
  • Don't forget to draw a card every time the villain attacks you :)

Other Deck-Building Options:

Like I said above, this deck is quite flexible, and there's plenty of cards to experiment with, even if you have a small collection. Try some of these options:

  • Ronin can effectively wield some upgrades while your snipers are hiding at the bottom of your deck. If you don't have Call for Backup, I'd definitely throw him in there.
  • United We Stand could be worthwhile, especially on Expert difficulty.
  • Leadership Skill seems really solid here, as they can help your weak THW numbers, or give you the extra damage you need to efficiently kill a minion.
  • Hawkeye is always great for minion-heavy encounters.
  • Endurance provides you with some defensive breathing room, allowing you to stay in hero form longer.
  • The Triskelion and a few more allies. Preferably some with THW 2.
  • Make the Call is a fine replacement for Regroup / Rapid Response.
  • First Aid and Reinforced Suit would allow Yondu to THW more often.
  • Assess the Situation can fill up to 3 slots in your deck, and help you dig to Yondu faster.
  • Honorary Avenger, Power Gloves, and Sky Cycle are really strong options! You just have to pray to the shuffle gods that Honorary isn't buried at the bottom of your deck.