Uncanny Iceman (With Expert Video)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Icy Mayhem 2 1 0 1.0

SoloMarvelChampion · 1333

Uncanny Iceman

See it in action against Expert Project Wideawake!

All of the Iceman decks I've built across all aspects use X-men allies (10 in this case, which is 25% of the deck) with Utopia for readying Iceman, and since all of your allies are X-Men, it'll trigger often AND let you have four allies on the board!

While I think he may be strongest in Protection, I've had the most fun with Iceman using this build because it has access to the following cards:

  • Mirage, who can stun more reliably now that a villain's SCH can be lowered by Frostbite.
  • Call for Backup which can find her and put her directly into play.
  • Uncanny X-Men which makes playing her (or any ally) from hand cheaper and giving them an HP boost. This can be put into play with Build Support.
  • Rapid Response for sneaking her back into play after you've used her up, with many other situation-based targets if she's not in play.

Mirage's ability to reliably Stun the villain is so good because it helps stack up the Frostbite upgrades since a stun cancels the villain's activation. No activation means the Frostbites don't get discarded!

It's Uncanny

Uncanny X-Men plus Team-Building Exercise, The X-Jet or Power Belt (in the case of Snow Clone) can put seven of the allies (counting Angel as 2-cost) into play "for free", with four of them providing an "enters play" ability:

  • Beak removes threat (the more X-Men allies you have out, the better)
  • Forge digs out Utopia or The X-Jet
  • Pixie grabs an X-Men (Mirage is the #1 target) from discard
  • Triage heals any X-Men character, which is usually Iceman, but could be anyone based on the situation and need.

This combo also reduces Beast to 2-cost, meaning a single double resource card can put him into play "for free" as well because you'll get the resource card back when he enters play (and of course Mirage or Professor X to just 1 resource)!

The +1 Hit Point this provides gives you some extra THW or ATK power, and it doesn't look like a lot, but it allows Pixie to attack for 2 twice, and Mirage to thwart for 2 three times (and Beast any combination of 2 THW or 2 ATK four times).

Who you gonna' call?

Make the Call has the same primary target as Call for Backup and Rapid Response: Mirage. But just like with those other cards, don't feel you need to save them JUST for her. They're great with almost any ally you call up, but don't waste them on Pixie or Beak who needs to be played from hand to use their Response.


I have a strict priority list for Superpower Training with all of my Iceman builds:

Whichever is next on the list and not in play is what I grab in 99% of cases, but I have prioritized Frozen Solid a couple times when I needed to flip down for healing or getting rid of obligations.


May 31, 2024 GrootForPresident · 28

I like this write-up! Nelson posted a similar deck (I think his uses Hope Summers and some other X-cards). I actually don't own most of these cards because I've avoided the Mutant releases, but I think this would be fun to play!

May 31, 2024 SoloMarvelChampion · 1333

@GrootForPresident thanks! Of course someone was going to beat me to it LOL. It's all good though! I'll have to watch the video he has linked. I'm playing this against Expert Project Wideawake now, and will record it later today. When I do, I'll link it in the description!

May 31, 2024 SoloMarvelChampion · 1333

This deck could definitely use a copy of The Triskelion, but I'm unsure what to cut to make room for it; maybe a Make the Call?

I'm usually not too strict about keeping a deck to 40 cards, but you really want to with Iceman to give you the best odds of drawing an Ice card with Cryokinetic Perception for the ready!