Always. Be. Chillin.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Iceman Repurposed 0 1 0 1.0
Always. Be. Chillin. v2 for Weekly Challenge 8 0 0 2 1.0

Man-is-Obsolete · 5459

Always. Be. Chillin.

name because it is too hot for Bobby

Bobby likes to do two things:

  1. Chill at the pool

  2. and readying a bunch to freeze the enemies so he can chill at the pool!

That's right this is a protection deck that likes to flip to Alter Ego at every chance. Flipping allows us bring back a lot of Iceman cards into our deck which really helps get his engine roaring via Cryokinetic Perception and Power Belt We are helping ourselves do that by including a bunch of cards that ready us which in turn allows us to use the Freeze ability to attach multiple Frostbite onto the villain. We got:

  • What Doesn't Kill Me – at this point a classic protection card. If you find the Villain can't hurt you enough to take 2 HP off of you to be in range for this card to be useable, then we have Weapon X to take off 2 HP every trip to Alter Ego!
  • Repurpose - We are playing the hits! Yes, yes we are. Classic combo with Energy Barrier but this also can junk Power Belt!
  • Professor X - Yea yea, I know!
  • Utopia – There are 6 allies here and they are all X-men. Snow Clone can be brought to hand by Cryokinetic Perception. Forge can help you find this, then later serve as a cheap ready haha.

All of the above helps us slap Frostbites onto the villain and create a safe flip to Alter Ego. This is further helped by Frozen Solid and confuse from Professor X if you are desperate but would rather use Charles for the Ready if you can.


One of the things Bobby really struggles with is resource gen. I skipped The X-Jet for two copies of Team-Building Exercise because there is almost nothing in Bobby's 15 cards that can't be played at Action speed AND doesn't have the ICE trait. Plus it costs 1 less to play them. There is a high likelihood you can use both TBE's in one turn, and it also thins your deck so you can get to a deck that has a higher concentration of ICE traited cards.

So you could play Arctic Attack with Power Belt and Team-Building Exercise and then still have 4 cards in hand to use the second Team-Building Exercise on literally any other card that shares a trait with Iceman, even Ice Wall!


And that is mainly the deck. This has worked very well for me, but I am sure there is something you fine folks can find that improves upon this. I hope this serves as a (frozen) solid foundation for how you can pilot and build upon Iceman!


May 17, 2024 andyr · 7424

Love it! Especially using night nurse so he doesn’t get bogged down.

May 17, 2024 journeyman2 · 24910

Stayin' Frosty!

May 17, 2024 Man-is-Obsolete · 5459

The one thing I should mention and may be reason enough to sub in The X-Jet or run it as a 41st, you may not always have the to pay for What Doesn't Kill Me. I didn’t have this problem much as there are still double digit cards with the icon. Just something to keep an eye on in your games.

May 18, 2024 theromeo3517 · 1978

This is a hot cold deck!

May 18, 2024 hootorama · 1

This deck gives me the chills! Played it tonight and it worked really well!

May 18, 2024 Man-is-Obsolete · 5459

@hootorama thanks for trying this out! I played it again last night and had a (ice) blast!

May seem obvious but one little sequencing thing I forgot to call attention to is that you should Repurpose before triggering Cryokinetic Perception. I know the urge will be there but it is not a forced response and it is possible to get one more use out of the buffed stats if you wait until after Repurposing something.

May 18, 2024 Makst · 1

Energy Barrier AND What Doesn't Kill Me NEED MORE Resource In the first DECK, you need to put all support cards into play But Iceman’s THW VERY LOW IF YOU ALL SUPPORT IN TO PLAY END. EVERY HERO CAN WIN

May 18, 2024 Man-is-Obsolete · 5459

@Makst thanks for the feedback, if I am reading you correctly you might be right in that this works better in Multiplayer than true solo, but I think that is true of Iceman in general and I typically play multiplayer. All that said I have had success solo with this as well, what I prioritize just changes a bit.

May 22, 2024 gelleetin · 20

Had fun with the deck (and learning Iceman), thank you!

For some reason I just assumed that TBE had the same “Max 1 per player” line on most supports/upgrades, as always reading is tech lol.

Jun 11, 2024 ProteinePlus · 1

Aren’t you having problems with threat and plans? How would you improve thwart?

Jun 11, 2024 Man-is-Obsolete · 5459

@ProteinePlus Depends on how the scenario goes, as with most heroes. Iceman’s biggest weakness is dealing with high threat, but with 3 copies of Chill Out!, Beak and Professor X, Repurpose can boost his THW, and Frozen Solid can provide cover to flip down and shuffle back in your Chill Out!, he manages a lot better than I think he would appear at first glance.

Jun 12, 2024 ProteinePlus · 1

So Forge can only fish out Utopia, is that right? The rest of supports are not x-men or x-force.

Jun 12, 2024 Man-is-Obsolete · 5459

Correct per a previous comment you can easily add The X-Jet for an additional target. Can always give it a shot and adjust based on your likings.

Jun 12, 2024 ProteinePlus · 1

@Man-is-Obsolete It’s an amazing deck. Thanks for your hindsight.

Sep 12, 2024 HistoryJosh · 1

This deck is a superstar in Multi-player. I broke it out as my first Iceman deck, and it immediately made me fall in love this character!