Volcanic Dust

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

spinnerrogers · 73

Web-Warrior Fanatic had a nice deck post recently (https://marvelcdb.com/decklist/view/37827/weaving-threads-1.0) highlighting the power of Suit Up. Before this I had thought that Suit Up was costly, essentially spending an extra effective resource to perform its search effect. However, it turns out that this card allows for fast and reliable set-up of some very powerful (possibly broken) combos.

Here, I use Suit Up to accelerate Dust. Thanks to Spider-Woman’s deckbuilding ability, we can run 3 copies in addition to Dust, as well as several Leadership and Aggression cards that increase Dust's attack. When Dust's attack is high enough, we can clear all minions at will for the whole table, for the rest of the game, no problem.

A few other allies are also good targets for Suit Up. Captain Marvel ally can become a Sidekick, which is just too good to not put in the deck. Triage can heal Dust when he enters play (no First Aid necessary!), and Sunfire is just nice to have on speed dial. The upgrades these allies bring along when you search them with Suit Up can go on Dust instead (except for Sidekick). In fact, the only allies you want to put upgrades on, really, are Dust and Captain Marvel.

What you want is:

Dust: 2 Thwart, 5 Attack, 7 hit points

  • Attack Training
  • Inspired
  • Sidearm
  • Reinforced Suit
  • (Boot Camp)

Captain Marvel: 3 Thwart, 4 Attack, 5 hit points

  • Inspired
  • Sidekick
  • (Boot Camp)

Leadership Skill further pushes Dust's attack as high as 6. The low cost of Leadership Skill is very helpful in the early and mid-game to help you get the damage you need.

Flip down to Alter-Ego to heal Dust with X-Mansion and Captain Marvel with Sidekick. Triage further contributes to healing Dust and can be recycled a number of times. Other Protection players running Med Team can help, but you shouldn't have too much trouble keeping Dust alive if you pick your shots carefully.

I had a hard time picking more Aggression cards due to the three-ally limit. Tac Team is just there so we have some answer to Toughs. Depending on your teammates, you may prefer a Combat Training to play on their hero.

I tested the deck alongside a tanky Vision Protection deck against Expert Mutagen Formula, and it performed extremely well. After we pushed Green Goblin to stage III (and revealing 4 cards each in the villain phase), Dust defeated 9 minions in one shot (and dealt 6 damage to another), for a total of 42 damage! That's not even beginning to count all the work Dust put it in even in the early and mid-game. The potential only grows in higher player counts.

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Jun 21, 2024 fixeddice · 10

Just a heads up: X-Mansion requires that the activating players' Alter-Ego has the Mutant trait.

Jun 21, 2024 spinnerrogers · 73

Pretty sure you can activate your own X-mansion regardless of whether not you have the Mutant trait. "Any player whose alter-ego has the MUTANT trait may trigger this ability" allows other players too use your X-mansion, but does not limit your own ability to use your X-mansion. See marvelcdb.com which also makes use of X-mansion (and Danger Room) on a non-mutant, and the ruling on Danger Room at hallofheroeslcg.com