Con of Heroes 2024 - Overkilliest Valkyrie

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

josseroo · 683

This is my second deck in my Valkyrie in every aspect series of decks that I'm bringing to Con of Heroes 2024. She has access to Aerial, but I wanted to take it in another direction, so let's have some fun with Follow Through and Hand Cannon.

Try to keep 2 Hand Cannons and Valkyrie's Spear in play. In multiplayer games, you shouldn't even need to summon minions. They show up for free!

Sideboard (drop as needed):

  • Wolverine: is to help when there's a lot of tough and to give a target when those generous teammates bring Call for Backup
  • Lock and Load: Sometimes somebody else is already bringing it
  • Skilled Strike: Very flexible in terms of how many you bring.
  • Helicarrier Replace with Quincarrier if no competition for it at the table

My Con of Heroes 2024 decks

Valkyrie (hero):

Adam Warlock (hero):

Adam Warlock (ally)

Wolverine Ally:
