#Venom Sidekick!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Setharious12321 · 17

The concept for the deck is incredibly simple. Play a maximum power VEN#m and make them your Sidekick! With SP//dr's amazing ability to flip down and REC without directly harming their hero form abilities it is super simple to keep VEN#m up for a baseline consistent 5 thw or atk every turn, with upgrades to take them even further. Side-by-Side gives multiple activations with included healing and Command Team helps push out those extra hits while waiting in the wing for extreme burst. Leadership Training gets back Side-by-Side for more free readies.

The the other special little extras are Down Time for that additional healing to tank villain attacks as well as heal up from any uses of your Clarity of Purpose, which essentially acts as an additional interface resource because of how often you keep healing back up. With all your flipping down, you get the ability to abuse Med Lab. If you keep replaying Maria Hill any teammates you have will be thanking you plus the extra thw is nice. On the other hand you can snag Kaluu repeatedly to really search for your All Systems Go! or to dig even harder for Side-by-Side.


Mar 31, 2024 dr00 · 43785

haha i was just working on a list for this. this is great! have you found it hard to find sidekick without Suit Up though?

Mar 31, 2024 Setharious12321 · 17

Thanks for your comment! To be perfectly honest, I don't own any of the cards myself, my friend does, so I haven't been able to do any playtesting with this list. My hope was with all the flipping you would get essentially a 6 handsize in alter-ego, 8 in a perfect world with Avengers Mansion and Symbiote Suit, that it would make up for the lack of Suit Up, which seems like it would be a dead card once VEN#m is down.

I picture the deck needing to be gone through at least once to get all the interfaces down anyway, and after you get a chunk of your upgrades down you won't have too many cards left in your deck to filter through to get VEN#m and Sidekick.

On the flip side, I can easily see cutting a Command Team or the Call for Backup for that added ease of set up. I tend to have a 2 player mindset which is the whole reason Call for Backup is in the deck to begin with.