"To Me, My Hex Men!"

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Wizardry: the Happening v2 0 0 0 2.0

Schmendrix · 5281

Magik is stronk. And, more importantly, really fun to play. I fell in love with the character playing Midnight Suns, when her ability to push anyone anywhere through a portal into an exploding barrel saved my tusch more times than I can count. In Champions, her portals to and from Limbo rally the X-Men from all corners to her aid.

Magik's play lines can get quite intricate and are worth exploring. I just want to highlight a few plays that I've enjoyed in testing this deck:

  1. "To Me, My X-Men!" can be a guaranteed hit with Magik's ability to play with the first card of the deck face up. Once you have Limbo, you can swap an ally from your hand on to the deck and then play TMMX. Scrying and Spiritual Meditation both increase your access to these lines.

  2. Moira MacTaggert is a staple in Mutant decks for good reason. Here, her timing combines with Magik's AE ability to enable her to pick a Spell in her discard and draw it (I like Scrying unless I have an urgent board control issue to address with Exorcism or Soul Strike).

  3. Team-Building Exercise and Uncanny X-Men can make a 3-cost ally on top of the deck free to play. Or should I say free cost! Heyooooooooo (fml).

  4. Colossus can come in and out of the game A LOT. Hit him on a TMMX and he'll be back in your hand to play in response to an attack. Use Limbo to stack him on top of the deck at the top of the villain phase and you can play him for 1 in the villain phase (with Uncanny).

Hope you enjoy this one! I have.


Mar 30, 2024 dr00 · 42170

Resourceful is so great here. love it

Mar 30, 2024 Tano Games · 2957

A banger. I'm building this as soon as I get my box

Mar 30, 2024 journeyman2 · 22386

I love this name so much!! And one for me to not cut. Great job

Mar 30, 2024 Castlefrank47 · 312

This name is awesome, great deck too!

Mar 30, 2024 Royal7 · 27

Your description of her AE power + Moira was great. I hadn’t realized how perfect the timing was.

Mar 31, 2024 16 Nights Seeker · 135

Cool deck! I assume you chose for The Power in All of Us over the standard double resources for the wild resource part of it?

Mar 31, 2024 Schmendrix · 5281

@16 Nights Seeker Yup!

Mar 31, 2024 Yami_Kero · 1

I love the deck and will probably make something quite similar but I have one question: I think I'm missing a critical interaction but what is the purpose of Resourceful?

Mar 31, 2024 Schmendrix · 5281

@Yami_Kero no critical interaction - just a fun one. It's a wild on top of the deck that Magik can bank for next turn by playing it for free.

Mar 31, 2024 w4rp3nguin · 1

Cool deck. I would even think about putting a Triskelion in there for even more allies.

Apr 01, 2024 Schmendrix · 5281

@w4rp3nguin heck yeah! In my testing, I found her pretty reliant on chumps for survivability, but once she's set up, she can also spam allies easily. Worth trying!

Apr 01, 2024 Man-is-Obsolete · 4733

I love the single Resourceful add! She makes that card actually work extremely well!

Apr 04, 2024 Tano Games · 2957

Played this deck. It completely slaps. so much value going around. Uncanny with her ability to play X for 1 off the deck? Colossus for 1 in the villain phase??? Bananas

Apr 05, 2024 Castlefrank47 · 312

@Schmendrix this deck is so good. I played it last night and first game took down Expert Mutagen Formula with zero problems. Thanks for sharing it!

Jun 11, 2024 Orthogrom · 19

Not sure how you can play allies in the villain phase. Am I missing something here?

Jun 11, 2024 Orthogrom · 19

Oops - I see my error. I was looking at the wrong Colossus ally.