Fresh outta hot sauce... - You Never Go Full Alter Ego

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Fresh outta hot sauce... - Full Alter Ego v2 1 0 0 2.0

Emperorscanaries · 10

The goal is to play the entire game in Alter Ego, thwarting down the schemes for the table while ignoring things like attacks, HP, any card that says "Hero" on it, etc. Its a deck for a simpler time.

NOTE: This is built to be a multiplayer deck. It has no combat prowess. Do not play this solo or you will be big sad.

Ideally you can go hero on turn 1 and back first thing turn 2 to collect 2 charge counters for reducing Rogue's cost later, but it's not necessary.

Get out your Beat Cops early to get a lot of value over time and bail you out of a bad minion wave. Use Build Support to get out Helicarrier and ready it an extra time each turn with Agent 13.

Get some extra card draw with The Thieves Guild, X-Bunker, Avengers Mansion, Ironheart, and Mutant Education to bail you out of Gambit's hero only cards.

Repack your Creole Charmers and Molecular Accelerations in the deck with Mutant Education. Sprinkle around villain confuses as much as possible with Creole Charmer, Professor X, and Dazzler.

