Lockjaw (and Friends)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


Lockjaw wants to pop in from the discard pile, get used up and then repeat the process as many times as possible. In this deck Lockjaw, Nick Fury and Professor X all have loads of ability to come into play, maximize their effects and, with a laugh and a wave, make good their escape to the discard pile.

First things first, if Lockjaw is in your opening hand, mulligan him. If he isn't, mulligan your entire first hand to try to get him. He will be easier to get into play from the discard pile because you will have more opportunities for double resource cards.

Speaking of double resource cards, Gambit has 5 of them in this deck, plus 2 The Power in All of Us which will function as double resource cards for Lockjaw, as well as Nick Fury, Professor X, Avengers Mansion and The X-Jet. With this many resources, it should be simple to regularly pull him from the discard pile and back into play.

Team Training can let you get the most mileage out of Lockjaw, allowing him to activate twice and still get used up as a blocker, or even better, to Go Down Swinging or Save the Day. Command Team is fantastic for all of his allies, but particularly Lockjaw, Yondu, Nick Fury and Professor X. These activations can be boosted further with Leadership Skill.

Sidearm is there exclusively for Yondu and getting Avengers Mansion and/or The X-Jet into play will give you loads more versatility.

Gambit himself is likely going to spend a lot of his hero time exhausted from defending, but luckily that does not stop him from using his character events.

This would make an odd team for a comic book but it makes for a pretty fun game of Champions. I hope you enjoy it.


Mar 20, 2024 Castlefrank47 · 252

This is a really cool deck idea. I just did a Scarlet witch deck that manipulated using the discard pile with Make the Call and Black Panther. It's tons of fun, having games where you play Nick Fury 3 or 4 times is pretty awesome lol. I'll have to give this one a shot. Thanks for sharing!