Card draw simulator
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GhostWithKnife · 101
Rogue is a solid heroine, especially in leadership. Anyone could tell you that. However, most people try to cook with her and put her in Web Warriors or Avengers or the Fantastic Fou-nevermind they aren't out yet....if ever. The point is, everyone gets fancy with Anna....when you don't really need to. So, let's stop all the hustle and bustle. Get back to basics, and just put her in charge of the X-Men.
"But Ghost, Storm and Cyclops are better at X-Men Leadership," the nay-sayers will go. My reply is, "Repeat that, I couldn't hear you," and they won't reply as Rogue saps their life away by holding her hand on their wrist. Then I'd say, "You can't talk back when you're dead, can you?" Then Charles would get mad and eject me from the X-Men and I'd plan his demise-I'm getting carried away, sorry. The point is, they totally are, but Rogue likes leadership and building this was to help convince someone to try the game. So, let's pretend they got lost on Mojoworld and Rogue is the only one out, ok???
So, the basics. Utopia, Uncanny X-Men "To Me, My X-Men!" are your core cards that enable your allies. You have 10 X-Men, all with unique abilities and uses to cover whatever you need them to do. I don't need to tell you why Professor X and Forge are good. Mass Attack is mostly here as a strong finisher when you set up your heavy hitters like Gentle or just don't want consequential damage.
The rest kind of speaks for itself. X-Gene is to help pay for our pricey kit cards, and the other generator is simply "I don't own Deft Focus yet." If you have it, just use it. Our kit is pretty much just Superpowers, so there's no real reason to not include it. I'd recommend Helicarrier, but it's too expensive in this deck sadly.
As for our Touched, simply keep it on the villain to chip them down. Look, I know this is a VERY simple guide, but Leadership most of the time is simple. Ally spam isn't that hard to understand, and the rest of her kit is just utility that shines better in multiplayer. I wish it was more, but that's the beauty of the deck. It's straightforward, pretty much like Rogue herself.
really fun list!