Is 16 Allies Enough?

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Thunderstruck! 288 210 27 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Daring Lime · 504

What Could Go Wrong?

Star-Lord's hero ability allows him to reduce the cost of a card by 3 for the small price of one facedown encounter card. The idea of this deck is simple, use your economy to play a bunch of allies, make them guardians, and give them +1 ATK with bootcamp. Star-Lord's kit has everything he needs to function, and the allies provide reliable damage and safety. This deck is so simple that you know exactly what you're going to draw. It will be an ally or a hero card 75% of the time (I did the math).



One of the allies that is really good for this deck, but almost never good for any other deck is Sentry. 3 ATK and 2THW with 5 health is an insane amount of value, but normally the encounter card and 4 cost doesn't allow him to make the cut for most decks. Star-Lord on the other hand ignores his cost and benefits from the encounter card! With Boot Camp in play Sentry has the potential to do 20 damage all on his own!

Bad Boy Interaction:

In my opinion Bad Boy is one of the strongest cards in the game. I had a particularly fun game where I was playing against Venom. I dealt a lot of damage to him, and he had 5 or more boost cards and I didn't have a blocker available. Instead of getting one shot though I got to flip to alter-ego, draw 2 cards, and win the game on the next turn. The value it provides is unparalleled. That is why I included Build Support. Ideally you won't finish it to play Bad Boy from your deck. The optimal combo is to play Bad Boy from your hand using your "What could go wrong?" ability, play Daring Escape 1 or more times, deal damage with Sliding Shot, then if you haven't won the game already, use Bad Boy as a get out of jail free card. Then, on a subsequent turn finish Build Support and grab Bad Boy out of your discard pile to use again.

Customize This Deck!

While I think this deck is functional, I intentionally didn't add very much direction. This is more of a framework. I think it is fun to use exclusively allies, but you definitely don't have to! Include your favorite allies from aggression and basic and any events you want!

This deck isn't as thought out as my last one: Aunt May is an Absolute Unit 1.0 but I think this simple Star-Lord concept is a ton of fun. I promise some more decks that Bully Maguire would approve of in the future!


Feb 10, 2024 andyr · 4467

That deck name alone sold me to want to play this :)

Feb 10, 2024 Daring Lime · 504

@andyr Let me know how it goes. I think Star-Lord plus allies is really good because the only thing he can't do on his own is block. And it's peaceful knowing that every turn you'll be able to choose between a couple different allies to play.